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All Content by KSM-RN

  1. Diabetic student, help!

    Hi again to all of you smart peeps! I have a middle school diabetic that has consistently high sugars. He usually is running in the high 300's. Most of the time he has moderate-large ketones. He has gone several times because he is symptomatic. He m...
  2. Diabetic student, help!

    Sorry for typos...I was responding from my phone and as I am re reading, I noticed a few :)
  3. Diabetic student, help!

    I will be sending all reports myself. I have been educating him each day. He still will guess on carbs, when I want him to look it up on an app we downloaded to his phone. We talked about serving size and how important it is to dose for the actual ...
  4. Diabetic student, help!

    This kid is not newly diagnosed either. I was thinking about waiting until after his appointment and giving new dosing a try. However I'm starting to question if he isn't actually giving himself the insulin. I don't think they are honest at all. He d...
  5. Diabetic student, help!

    I have had to call the doc several times. They have "call provider for ketones".. It also says contact parents but student and family spit out a variety of numbers. The nurse was actually getting annoyed. Now they have given orders so I go by that. B...
  6. New ER Nurse - Feel Like Quitting Job

    I think this is very common for new nurses. I started out in a high risk OB, and I had no confidence when orientation was over. I was sick going in every shift. It took longer for me to become comfortable than the nurses that started with me. But ...
  7. Should I leave this racist town?

    I am so sorry that you have to endure this!! I don't necessarily feel you need to stay until the year mark. Especially if you will be leaving the area, would you be moving? Moving would be self explanatory if you were to seek new employment. Nursin...
  8. Tailoring resume for school nursing

    $70,000+ in the hospital...Was that 3 12's what kind of nursing did you all do before? Do you miss it?
  9. Tailoring resume for school nursing

    Farawyn-Are you leaving this year? What will you do next? I'm still in daily conflict on my plan to stay or go...."should I stay or should I go now..." (with musical notes)
  10. Why?

    If they text parents and parents come prior to me seeing a student it is a parent request absence. Of course this is my first year. I have parents say, I am pulling them out regardless. I just say I don't have a reason to send them. Most of these p...
  11. Why?

    Middle school starts at 8:45 and kids are dropped by 8 most days and are waiting for me. When they start in with "I'm not feel...." I say go call your parents, school doesn't start for another half hour. #annoying
  12. Hi all- I am newer to this site and I am loving the feedback. I am currently a school nurse and always looking for great places. I have done L/D, community education in perinatal education, Pre-Op nursing and now school nursing. Anyone in the KC/OP a...
  13. Switching to LD????

    It sounds like they NEED nurses on L/D! You are probably a great worker and they see on opportunity to suck you in. It's so chaotic I would be Leary. But ask some questions on how they staff. Ask if they do 1:1. Ask how they work as a team. If you wa...
  14. Saddleback Nursing Fall 2016

    I am thinking if I leave school nursing (which is what I'm leaning toward) I will make it about my family. Maybe when my kids go to college school nursing will be a better fit. I mean we won't have all day volleyball tournaments, basketball games ect...
  15. I also feel like I could have written this post! I had recently wrote my own post about how much I am struggling as a school nurse. I too do not like working 5 days a week. Yes the holidays off ect are nice but as a PRN nurse I didn't work many ho...
  16. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    I was thinking today maybe elementary would maybe be better for me. I NEVER thought I would want to be around the little kids, so I thought middle school would work. But maybe I should try something different instead of leaving all together? There ar...
  17. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    Oh and I have NO intention of leaving before this school year is completed. I am just anticipating contracts coming out soon and not knowing what to do. I don't want to wait too far into summer break to tell my school and my director. I really don't...
  18. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    And you do school nursing as well? How do you do both? Evenings?
  19. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    Farawyn-I'm curious...what is the second job you took?
  20. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    If I did come back for another year of school nursing, do you feel hospitals will think I've been out of that pace for too long? Will I be of any interest to them?
  21. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I do like caring for the kids that really need me in my office. I have a homeless student that I see daily and I have gotten involved at getting her supplies for her and her family. I have an asthmatic t...