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All Content by KSM-RN

  1. Leave School Nursing?

    Hi all! It has been quite a while since I have posted. I am currently finishing my 5th year of school nursing. I have thought about other opportunities because my kids will be in college soon. I am currently interviewing for an educator position for ...
  2. Leave School Nursing?

    So funny you say that about planes! I am the SAME! I hate flying and have not done it in years. The position is regional so I don't anticipate that type of travel. But I can see the need to go to conferences and symposiums that may be required at som...
  3. Leave School Nursing?

    My kids will be seniors. I have twins that will go to college at the same time, so the increase in salary is definitely a factor. We need all the extra we can get. I have found out this position stats with 4 weeks vacation plus 10 additional holidays...
  4. Leave School Nursing?

    I am in the interview process right now. I am not even sure I will be offered the position. As far as travel goes my impression is that it is regional to my area. I was told they usually fly you out for a two week training, however at this time it is...
  5. Bed Bugs

    It does not sound like parents are treating the problem at home? I know this is a daunting task and they may need help. We have a school fund for district families that might need help from time to time, it sounds like this could be one of those time...
  6. called 911

    Wow O2 tanks in school?! I would have had them call while I was on the way, but you for sure did the right thing by calling!! We do not have stock albuterol. I have used caffeinated drinks in a pinch but not sure it would help someone with sats that ...
  7. Immunization Compliance

    We have an exclusion date of October 19th. I still have over 90. Sent email, sent letter. Next we have the principal send automated phone call to guardians stating their student will not be allowed in school on this date if the records have not been ...
  8. I'm back...with questions

    Hi all-I decided to come back. This year is tough with diabetics/seizures/CF and a variety of other health issues. I still STRUGGLE and question whether or not I made the right choice. I had a possible position that was presented to me which would be...
  9. New year, new worries

    Greetings to another school year. I wasn't sure I would be back, but here I am. I hear the 2nd year is quite a bit better than the 1st. Did you all find this to be true? I just have so many issues last year with an asthma related death (not at sc...
  10. Leaving school Nursing thoughts...

    HI all- I haven't been on much this year as it has been so busy. I am in a middle school with about 750 students (7th and 8th). This is my second year, which I have to say is MUUUCH better than my first. I contemplated leaving last year and decided ...
  11. Diabetic Mom

    I would get the exchange of info signed for sure, however you have the right to call and clarify orders.
  12. What do you document...

    I chart everything, even bathroom use. We had budget cuts last year and we were cutting staff based on acuity. Luckily we have a decent software charting system. But its less likely they will cut a nurse position if you see 60-75 visits a day.
  13. Feeling inadequate, what about you??

    It is a huge transition from hospital to school nurse. And although most days at school don't have crash and burn emergencies being the only medical person gives me huge stress. I had emergencies all the time at my hospital job, which gave me stress...
  14. What do you wear to work as a school nurse?

    I wear school spirit tees and scrub pants. I was helping a student to the BR 2 x daily last year and just feel scrubs were more appropriate. I sometimes wear jeans on Friday. I do think it makes us recognizable and it is a no brainer.
  15. How to get started

    I feel like the reports/ health conditions are priority. I reach out to parents via email to ask for health care plans for chronic conditions, asthma, food allergy. I try to get all of the parents to bring in signed copies of action plans from physi...
  16. Quitting before summer's end?

    Hi all-Hope you all are enjoying your summer. I am contemplating applying for a job that was presented through a contact of mine. It could be substantially more money. (In my world at least)...We haven't signed contracts yet, due to issues with the...
  17. Sad and Exhausted - Questioning my career choice

    Hi I just wanted to thank you all for your responses. I have decided to return for a second year of school nursing. I am acclimating to 5 days a week and I am on a countdown for summer! I had to sit down with myself and really think of pro's and co...
  18. Nosebleed, WWYD?

    Ammonia salts?? hahahahaha
  19. Concern for Type I diabetic

    How long before a dfs call is made? Once a week absences with 3-4 a week large ketones? Canceled endo appts?
  20. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    I am a first year school nurse at a middle school. I come from a high risk OB labor and delivery background. First off let me say I did labor and delivery almost 8 years and I complained most of the time. I loved the docs, and people I worked with ...
  21. New school Nurse, Struggling!!

    It's going ok. Good days/bad days. I can taste summer. Hoping it gives me an idea of what to do. Have you decided if you are staying?
  22. What's your best School Nurse advice ?

    All of you guys are awesome!!!
  23. Random Thoughts: School Nurses

    What was the unresponsive student?? Holy cow! What a day you are having!
  24. middle school/intermediate

    I think middle school is a great way to "train" for high school if you are looking for older kids. Typically middle schools have smaller numbers than high school so that is why I think of it as training. It is TOUGH, however you only have them for 2...
  25. Detecting drug use in students

    Here is one we have found and passed on through our district... Detailed Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use | Student Health Services