
Garden,RN ASN, RN

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All Content by Garden,RN

  1. Am I wrong for thinking that this APRN was wrong?...

    Welcome to nursing. You didn't know how to scan. Yes it is annoying to me as an RN that you don't know that but it isn't your fault, but I am irritable because of some other nonsense and I take it out on you, like kicking the dog. The manager hears s...
  2. Is it true all nurses get MRSA or C-DIFF?

    Not only no, but hell no. The fact is that if we practice proper precautions we should not get either. There are exceptions but not the rule. Not only have I with a weakened immune system never gotten it. I have never met a nurse that has had either.
  3. How do YOU handle these situations?

    I always felt there were too many ambiguities like this is our profession. So many of these things could be solved if they had standing orders and other resources.
  4. Reasons patients turn on their call light

    I have had this happen two or three times that patients have used call lights to tell me that there is construction outside their rooms and mixed in there are things like "... and people are coming to take me because they are waiting because I am abo...
  5. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I love the way you make the assumption that I take other people's stuff because I told you I don't take issue with this. let me set your mind at ease, I don't eat anything that I didn't pack myself, even in restaurants I am very careful. Hospital and...
  6. I survived the Board of Nursing

    I am so sorry.
  7. Me... Me... Me: A Sense of Entitlement

    I don't like the tone of the thread perhaps we should listen to our patients more. Some of the kids and seniors that I have cared for over the years have had underlying needs within the scope of our nursing practise. The child that constantly gets il...
  8. Me... Me... Me: A Sense of Entitlement

    That one takes the cake and I have had the same thing. On the other side though, the patients don't know what is going on. I have been a patient and it really looks bad from this side. It often looks like the hospital personnel, yes mostly nursing, ...
  9. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I speak for myself, and for me it is no biggie. As for nurses talking about having the intention of poisoning another not being innapropriate, I beg to differ. It makes me wonder what else you are capable of. Yes stealing is wrong, but that does not ...
  10. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I don't think it would look good for anyone to try this in the eyes of the law, especially if you are a nurse. Even discussing this is innapropriate in my opinion. We are nurses, are we basically saying that is someone pissess us off, it is ok to put...
  11. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    No I don't steal food, i stay away from the whole area to avoid all of this. I am sure if I skip a meal it won't kill me though. Some of this is cultural, we do have very interesting relationships with food in the US.
  12. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I keep it simple, I don't really carry food, I'd rather just get by on a cup of coffee. I read the post and am shocked that nurses are talking about putting things in food to hurt someone over few dollars. I find it petty, and avoid this stuff at all...
  13. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I am well aware if my stuff is missing no one is going to replace it and all the rest. I just can't be bothered with worrying about who took my food from the fridge. I wouldn't even go through the trouble of writing a sign about it. I have bigger fis...
  14. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    No I don't help myself to anything that does not belong to me. I have many dietary limitations. I have had serious stomach issues since childhood. I have found myself because of this wishing there was a cracker or hot soup or coffee at times, just b...
  15. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I just don't think it is a big deal. Personally, I would just prefer to be able to buy something fresh, or i do without. The only thing I'll is a cup of coffee and just avoid the whole thing.
  16. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I think we have a major issue in that we can't figure out how to feed hospital personnel. Yes I have put things in refrigerators and had it missing, but I also have wandered in the wee hours of the night searching for a bit of cream to put in my coff...
  17. What nursing task do you loathe???

    Hands down, the worst.
  18. What nursing task do you loathe???

    I have never done one and I don't think I can because I would never let anyone do that to me as a patient, sorry.
  19. I survived the Board of Nursing

    I suspect you won't get many responses out of fear. I am not surprised, after all it is the culture of nursing, the very sad fact that someone sat down and made complaints against you that were false. I am so glad you made it through and have your li...
  20. My Best Deaf Patient!

    That is a beautiful story, thank you for sharing. I have thought about learning sign language myself, in a way I almost think some of it should be part of our curriculum in nursing, at least enough to be able to communicate. Although it is a differen...
  21. Dating Coworkers

    I like the question so speak for yourself. Why not? It is a legitimate employment question. No need for nasty. If someone urinated in the cereal make a different posts and we can talk about that too. Be nice!
  22. Dating Coworkers

    I would say be careful because you could end up being accused of sexual harassment, that is the sad reality. Having warned you, I would say tastefully and gently like the perfect gentle person that you are, go for it. If I had not met my now ex at wo...
  23. Thank you, that is why you are the CelticGoddess.
  24. What is BSC?
  25. I would say order the drug screen before you administer the lasix which may in some alter the results. Everything clinically points to her edema and she has CHF, but there is always the possibility that some of her symptoms are because of drug use an...