
Garden,RN ASN, RN

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All Content by Garden,RN

  1. Falsely accused of med diversion

    It is never even a slightly good idea to put any medication in your pockets for hours. It an especially bad idea when it is a pain medication. While I do believe the nursing profession is too harsh on nurses on this one they are completely correct. Y...
  2. You are correct. I took time to raise my children and ended up at square one. This is the same in other fields as well. Considering the study says that 93% of our workplace is female, if there is a gender gap we females are to blame no? Also, being a...
  3. I thought I had heard everything..

    Yeah, well as long as she is not endangering herself or others, you have to gulp, accept it. I too have heard some wild stuff from people that otherwise functioned fine.
  4. I have noticed a difference in their approaches both as a patient and a nurse. You raise yet another good point.
  5. I think that the osteopathic training may have something to do with it as well.
  6. I would also add to your list the osteopathic training. That may also have something to do with it.
  7. My preceptor is everything they taught us NOT to be...

    Welcome to the culture of nursing, sadly. The first three months of my nursing career i went home and cried everyday, convinced I had made the bigger mistake of my life by becoming a nurse. I was not the traditional student fresh out of high school. ...
  8. Nurses Notes: Guidelines On What Not To Chart

    I agree that we should never document that an incident report was filled out, as that was like the first day of nursing school. I have a question, wouldn't any lawyer automatically inquire about it, or is there a limit to access if it is not a part o...
  9. Is nursing too difficult for a mother with young children?

    I raised my two sons and would not recommend nursing as a profession if you want to spend time with your kids. Sadly for a profession that has been predominantly female, the workplaces are very unfriendly towards parenting. I would recommend working ...
  10. Do crnas deserve that much salary?

    The advance practice nurses will end up in the same boat the MD's are in they will eventually have to do more and more for less and less money. In the end we are all being used by the many decision makers that could not possibly care any less about p...
  11. Bending and Breaking the Rules in Nursing

    I am glad you did, you made someone happy at the end of their life.
  12. Terminated After Two Months!!

    You are right! I would think a properly structured residency would not only be good for the individual nurses but also for recipients of care.
  13. Does segregation exist in hospital settings

    What part of the country? I have never seen segregation in health care.
  14. Funniest thing you've ever seen happen to a doctor

    It shouldn't be for nurses.
  15. First week- will I die of boredom?

    I love your answer and agree with you perfectly. I spend countless hours writing wonderful nursing care plan in school only to never actually do it in real like, not once in 20 years. You are right, our profession does have an identity crisis. Thanks...
  16. First week- will I die of boredom?

    Thanks for the honesty, I agree!
  17. Hard Truth of Nursing

    So you work for corporate America.
  18. Hard Truth of Nursing

    I too have left all the reasons you left and others, I think many of us have the same experiences but of course with differing circumstances. I felt that our problems as a profession are deeper than even we realize. Everything goes back to being unde...
  19. I survived the Board of Nursing

    Well yes, I am sure it is not easy either for them. As far as I can tell our government has taken off with health care and turned it into a mess.
  20. Low census--what do you do?

    In the past this has happened to me and to many of my friends and it is awful. Our health care system is very wasteful and we health care workers suffer the consequences. It is wasteful in that we are bogged down with so much that has little to do wi...
  21. Leaving Bedside Nursing

    She just spoke the truth.
  22. Dumbest thing a doctor has done/said to you

    Loved your post.
  23. I survived the Board of Nursing

    It does seem like the medical board tries to work with the doctors more than our boards do with nurses.
  24. What's Rude?

    I am laughing because i have a serious problem remembering names. Sorry for everyone like me that has annoyed you.
  25. Am I wrong for thinking that this APRN was wrong?...

    She is right, she isn't suppose to get it from another patient. not legally.