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About sonja_alyssa

My name is Sonja and I currently reside in Michigan. I received my acceptance letter and will start my clinicals soon:) YAY!!! I am married and have 3 boys and a german shepard "Belle". We are moving to Henderson, NV in June d/t my husbands job.

Latest Activity

  1. Moving to Henderson in June 2006 HELP:)

    Hi Twinkie:) I received my acceptance letter and also received another letter stating that I must take and pass the Net in order to start my clinicals. If I don't pass, I will need to retake it at my...
  2. Question for RN's

    My four year old son was riding his little bike down the sidewalk yesterday without wearing shoes (I know... what on earth was I thinking!). He was going pretty fast and before I could even get up he...
  3. Anyone else apply to CCSN?

    My husband is being transferred. He works for the Detroit local (plumbing) here in Michigan. We are trying to sell our house and hopefully we will get out there soon. This may sound silly, but I...
  4. I've just been accepted into the nursing program here in Michigan and I start my clinicals in January 2006. I'm very nervous about the decisions I must make soon. I'm debating on starting the first...
  5. Anyone else apply to CCSN?

    I'm new to this forum and I'm so glad I found it:) I'm from Michigan and my husband and I along with our children are moving out to Henderson next June. I just got accepted into the nursing program...