
S&P201214 BSN


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All Content by S&P201214

  1. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    I'm hoping in 24 hours, we're all happy campers. Sleep well y'all and good luck! And Happy Mother's Day to any mamas out there!
  2. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Hey you guys! I'm soooooo eager and ready to find out! Good luck y'all. Playing the waiting game is tough. So, May 15th? Lol
  3. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Hey! Private message me on here.
  4. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    What does this mean? Did you get a response from Alvin?
  5. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    No recommendation letters needed!
  6. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Did they mention if they do interviews? I hope not lol.
  7. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    What is everyone's stats if y'all don't mind me asking. I'm nervous.
  8. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Thank you!
  9. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Okay, just curious, I haven't either, thanks! Does anyone know when we will find out? The last session I went to was last Sept and that was for Spring so I'm not quite sure for Fall 2017. Thanks!
  10. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Has anyone received any emails since completing the application process?
  11. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    I applied March 23rd!! I'm kind of excited and nervous.
  12. Alvin Community College ADN-Fall 2017

    Hi you guys. I applied as well. Has anyone heard anything about Alvin's program? Or know of anyone that's gone there? Have you heard good things? Just curious.
  13. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Fyi, we made a group on fb. "HCC Coleman ADN Spring 2017" :)
  14. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    For anyone that wants to join, I made a group on fb so we can all correspond through there so it's easier, it's called "HCC Coleman ADN Spring 2017"
  15. Alvin Community College - ADN Spring 2017

    It's going well! I've completed everything needed (drug test, shots, physical, blue card, etc) and we have our orientation on December 14th where we will get all the info about enrolling and purchasing our uniforms. I'm so ready to get this show on t...
  16. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

  17. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

  18. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Also, someone mentioned buying all the books, was anyone able to find the RNSG 1413 books?
  19. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Okay, I started making the Facebook group but I need at least one friends email address to create the group. If you guys want to give me your email, I can add you to the group. My name is Jackie by the way, so you know who it is when you receive the ...
  20. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Wow! You guys are so ahead of me! I didn't realize we could buy our books already. Would you guys be interested in me making a private facebook group for us students that will start at HCC in Spring 2017? I can do it now so we can easily answer quest...
  21. Alvin Community College - ADN Spring 2017

    Wow! That's awesome! Straight to BSN, good plan! Good luck to you!
  22. Alvin Community College - ADN Spring 2017

    Hello! I got my letter of acceptance this morning! However, I think I'm going to forgo it in order to do the HCC ADN program at Coleman College which is much closer to me than Alvin, going to think hard for about a day or two and then let Karen know....
  23. Alvin Community College - ADN Spring 2017

    I have not heard anything yet.
  24. HCC Coleman Spring 2017

    Hi! Does anyone know anything about the program? More specifically about the clinicals? Do they start that first semester? Or are those later in the program? Thanks!
  25. Alvin Community College - ADN Spring 2017

    Hi! My prereq GPA is a 4.0, I got a 95% on the HESI and I've completed all the non-nursing courses required. I've been accepted into HCC Coleman College and we got official word that they are back to full accredidation. I know that Alvin is an amazin...