
Mini2544 ASN, RN

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All Content by Mini2544

  1. Keiser Accelerated BSN 2016

    Yes they will accept you with remaining pre reqs but you do have to take the TEAS before and score high enough to pass their ranges. Once you're accepted into the program you're in, whether or not you have pre reqs or not. You just have to keep your ...
  2. Keiser Accelerated BSN 2016

    I was accepted at the Orlando campus. :)
  3. Keiser Accelerated BSN 2016

    Hey girl! How is everything going for you? I was just accepted about a month ago to the RN program at Keiser! I finish A&P2 this summer then start the core in the fall! Are you still liking things? Sarah
  4. IRSC or Keiser for RN degree

    HI There!! I was recently accepted in Keiser and I start May 2nd (I have A & P 2 left so i am taking it there) and i start the core August 25th. I would love to hear what you thought about their program! Good, bad and ugly would be greatly appre...
  5. Nurse residency programs--be aware!!

    This is truly terrible and embarrassing. I can't actually believe someone said they should be thankful for that opportunity. Get real. That's work abuse. Ps.... I don't know any medical residents who get paid 100k. My boyfriend is one of those and in...
  6. Will I have any time as a nursing student?

    I am starting my nursing classes this summer which is a accelerated ASN program (4 semesters instead of the more standard 5) They told us at the beginning we would not be able to work so don't even try. haha However, I think still being involved wi...
  7. Nursing is my passion but I feel like I am too dumb.

    If you're like me, instructors can have a great deal to do with how you perceive and learn the info. My suggestion would be to drop the class, research the better professors at your school and then re take it with them. Make friends in your class an...
  8. 6th nursing job in 4 years?

    That sounds like a great job for you, with the details you gave earlier. Job hopping is never ideal (I worked in corporate HR, so trust me when I say I know how it looks) but if you get this position than wouldn't you already be avoiding the issues ...
  9. Should I leave this racist town?

    Hi there, I am so sorry you're dealing with such backwards and hurtful behavior. It is very sad this kind of behavior still exists in 2016. I am only beginning my nursing journey, as i start my nursing program in the summer so I don't have the sa...
  10. Orlando Tech Spring 2016

    Hey girl! How is everything going?? Still loving it?? Sarah
  11. Should I "waste" my time getting an ADN?

    You are so right! I am going to go the ADN route first, and finish my BSN online. (I am actually taking the additional pre reqs for that the semester before I start the ADN program) One of my former professor's wives is a instructor at one of our C....
  12. ASN vs BSN

    Hello everyone! I really enjoyed reading this post, as this is something i struggle with going forward. Nursing is a second profession for me and second time around at school. I am 32 and gave a very lucrative communication career to go this route. ...
  13. Nursing school and GPA

    Hey there, You're not alone here..I totally was irresponsible and made poor grades my early years in college as well (a D in Into to Threatre? Yes it can happen) Because of these past mistakes, you just may have to go a different route for nursing. ...
  14. From a legal standpoint and this is something to look over in your contract, is PTO contingent on approval? In corporate America, it doesn't matter what you do to not come into work ( I know being a nurse is a different mindset but stay with me here)...
  15. Low Undergrad GPA in Non-Nursing Major

    HI There! Same here, I am choosing a ASN program which re calculates GPA based only on the required pre reqs (some are non science of course) but if you were a goober like me when i was 19 and got a D in Intro to Theatre (really who does that) you ne...
  16. A&P and Micro together

    I am in the same boat with you! I decided to take A&P and Micro this semester, but i think i overdid it with the College Algebra, a humanities course, and the continuation to my nutrition class (1 credit class centered around case studies) It has...
  17. Why Nursing Sucks...

    Thank you so much for sharing such personal (and disturbing) information with all of us! I am going to be starting nursing school in the fall, I am 32 so this is a 2nd career for me and because of posts like this, I am already preparing myself for ha...
  18. Interesting Article

    This article was ridiculous. How does a school nurse, who in this case worked at multiple schools, have time to train and hold the hands of these college educated teachers on how to perform life saving techniques? Common sense seems to be a commodit...
  19. Mobile IV infusions... for hangovers

    I think the idea of mobile IV units to those who are able to afford that type of in home treatment would be very beneficial. I myself don't drink much, but the times I have gone over board I would have loved to get medical fluids running through my v...
  20. Help!! Is Keiser University a rip-off???

    Hello all, I came across this thread while research Keiser for their nursing program in Orlando. I just thought I would throw in my 2 cents, because I feel like it is very unfair to judge other peoples decisions based on your own personal views. I ...