
Mini2544 ASN, RN

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All Content by Mini2544

  1. Should Obama care be repealed?

    wow so well said. I've always thought it's interesting how we don't put any responsibility and accountability on our own citizens. If someone has a disease that is exacerbated by bad diet and lifestyle yet the person makes no changes to accommodate t...
  2. Should Obama care be repealed?

    I read two different comments on here from people praising the plan and one praised it because of the super poor people with pre existing conditions who barely paid anything for it and get medical help and the other praises it because of all the refu...
  3. Denied PTO for my marriage

    Congrats on your engagement!! Just a thought... can you take the one week off for the wedding (I mean that is if your schedule is Saturday.. if not.. do you need any time off?) then just let plan a honeymoon for later? I graduate nursing school in De...
  4. To tell or not to tell?

    I understand this and something similar happened in my class as well, it bothered me but it takes too much time and energy to worry about other people. I have the ability to study and do well, as do you. And we are actually learning the material. H...
  5. That's what I was thinking!!
  6. It seems like everyone but nurses make more money

    Haha I'm sorry. I just have to laugh at your honesty. "I got sick of the humanity in the ER" at least you admitted it and left! Maybe try a pharm job??
  7. Undocumented Patients

    I feel like I am watching a debate on CNN with some of the ridiculous comments to your post. I find it amusing that we are made out to be the bad people because we believe in our CURRENT immigration laws. Didn't someone tell you not to go into nurs...
  8. Undocumented Patients

    You're more than welcome to pick a fight with someone else who doesn't share your opinion, but I'll pass.
  9. Undocumented Patients

    I voted.
  10. Undocumented Patients

    Just verifying you read the same thing I wrote. No where did I say I won't treat an illegal immigrant patient. Which is exactly what I will do. However, our county has an issue that needs addressing. End of story
  11. Undocumented Patients

    I agree. There is a reason our country is in 20 trillion dollars of debt. We aren't a rich nation like most people think. We are actually 15th in the world. Its unpopular and people want to help everyone no matter the cost but the basics remain. If y...
  12. So what's going to happen to health care now?

    Do you also have sales tax, state tax, property tax? We pay the same amount in all the taxed as you all do and do not get healthcare for it. Among the slew of other benefits Canadians have we don't. Trump won because our Govt sucks and is corrupt a...
  13. So what's going to happen to health care now?

    Oops sorry, he is actually being truthful about his evolution on the politicies. Instead of the flaming liars who occupy the Democratic Party. He has stuck to his guns on healthcare only softening on the two currently existing stipulations. No matte...
  14. Is this worth filing an appeal for? PLEASE HELP.

    Appeal. I agree with everyone and I am also seriously appalled your school teaches this way. Or switch nursing programs. I can't imagine this happening in my program. They work with us and they interview us 3 times before they accept us into the prog...
  15. So what's going to happen to health care now?

    Instead of listening to people who don't know what they're talking about, educate yourself on Trumps policies, don't watch CNN and make your own opinions based on FACTS and not people's bias.
  16. Are you going for BSN or ASN?

    I go to Keiser. It's private so def more expensive but I love it. The classes are much smaller and I feel like it's worth what you pay. Other qualities would include anything else you would be bringing to the job. Personality, other job experience, ...
  17. Are you going for BSN or ASN?

    I live in Orlando and am currently enrolled in a 4 semester ASN program. You can get a good job without a BSN at first, but most hospitals want you to have a 3 year plan to have one. It also depends on you and what other qualities you bring to the ta...
  18. Is 32 to late to go to a nursing program ?(ADN)

    I am taking the same route as you it seems! I just started my first day of nursing school today, ASN, and I loved it! I turn 33 in November and it makes me feel so young walking around with my back pack, haha. Best of luck in your career!
  19. Thank you for your candor. I am getting my ASN and I am choosing a private institution and it will cost me approx 20k. A public school is about 12k. I am also most likely going to do my BSN through the same university and it will be another 30k as ...
  20. I have so many different opinions on what I'm reading but at this point, the water is so muddied... I'll just go ahead and say: First off, I think 600$ per month for a 60k loan based off of the income based plan is very high. I could be wrong but my ...
  21. Outrageous Healthcare Proposal

    Testing medical procedures on violent felons in prison, rather than animals. :)
  22. Microbiology with Nursing 101??

    Congrats on your acceptance! While I start my program this fall as well, I honestly think that microbiology was almost more important as far as information covered than A&P 1 and 2. That being said, If you could swing it, I would try to take it...
  23. Planning a wedding in nursing school?

    HI Everyone! Thanks so much for all your responses and advice! The consensus seems to be while planning a wedding, medium sized about 80 guests, is possible in nursing school, it is very difficult. I know myself and I have a tendency to become obse...
  24. Hi everyone! I hope this doesn't seem like too silly of a question for here, but I would just like to get some opinions of the ladies on AN! My boyfriend and I have been together almost 3 years and I know a proposal is coming some time around the co...
  25. So I kind of messed up

    What an awful and judgmental thing to say. They came here for advice and not to be told they aren't nursing material because they took a very very very widely used medication to help calm them down or help with sleep. It's not the best idea but Jes...