Cardiac/Transplant ICU, Critical Care

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  1. Switching from Neuro ICU to Cardiac ICU

    Cardiac/Transplant ICU RN checking in! Become familiar with your Adrenergic Agonists, vasopressors, and vasopressor like meds. You already have ICU experience so you know how to walk the walk, now it's just fine tuning your skills to a different spec...
  2. Emergency Titration Protocol ?

    I don't want to sound rude or unprofessional but you can tell them to stick to their check lists and office work. This is the big leagues not some Doctor's office or school nursing office. Bring it to their attention that we could have either A) Do ...
  3. Emergency Titration Protocol ?

    I don't want to sound rude or unprofessional but you can tell them to stick to their check lists and office work. This is the big leagues not some Doctor's office or school nursing office. Bring it to their attention that we could have either A) Do ...
  4. Neuro ICU vs. Transplant ICU for CRNA School

    I am a Cardiac/Transplant ICU and having worked dozens of shifts in other ICUs (SICU, MICU, CCU, NICU). My advice is go with the Transplant ICU. It will give you more experiences with SWANs, vasoactive drips, fluid resuscitation, aggressive extubatio...
  5. Being friends with residents on Facebook

    Sorry OP, I thought you were talking about Medical Residents NOT nursing home residents as in the patients . That being said, I completely agree that it is inappropriate to have a nonprofessional relationship with a patient that you took care of or ...
  6. Worried about turning in my two weeks

    Before you give your two weeks, make sure you have another job lined up. That being said go and meet with your manager, tell him/her that you are putting in your two weeks, and also hand him/her a written resignation. Be polite, be stern, and be pro...
  7. Being friends with residents on Facebook

    Is there a specific reason as to why you have a problem with this? I don't want this to come off as rude, but maybe you should mind your own business? You seem unnecessarily and overly invested in who your friends are "friends" with on Facebook.
  8. New Grad RN going into ICU - prepare?

    Congratulations, that is quite a feat! One thing that is not really explained to well is what to do/where to be during a code. I made a video to help explain different roles and key positions during a code. I hope this helps! Let us know how you are...
  9. Going out with your co-workers (Mixing Business with pleasure)

    This is a very interesting subject because it has a lot to do with culture. In Japan, if you go out with your company for the monthly hangout, you are EXPECTED to get plastered with your coworkers, managers, directors, VPs, and senior leadership. The...
  10. Case Review: BP and Urine Output

    Did you have a SWAN in? If so, how was the CI and SVO2? How was your CVP? How was your Base excess/deficit on the gas? Did you choose those drips? There are a lot of questions that would help paint a better picture. If it were me I would say "These ...
  11. CCRN tips

    Pass CCRN was a fantastic guide and is a pretty good indicator of the types of questions that will be on the actual exam.
  12. CPR

    Hopefully no patients get cooked? The reason that we start the Arctic Sun protocol aka therapeutic hypothermia is if we are worried about Anoxic Brain Injury. By cooling the patient, decreasing their metabolism, decreasing their O2 needs, we optomiz...
  13. New Grad in the IICU Advice?

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You should be really proud of yourself for all of your hard work and landing a pretty sweet gig after graduation! Going into the Critical Care arena you find out very quickly that there are a ton of drips to lear...
  14. CVICU or NTICU?

    I am a Cardiac/Transplant ICU RN in a Top 10 hospital so I bet you can guess where I will tell you to go! In my CTICU the MDs (residents, fellows, attendings) heavily rely on our input and our insight for the very critically ill patients. The patient...
  15. Struggling with what goes on around me.

    I don't mean to sound insensitive or disrespectful, but we are NURSES, not MDs. Our job is to advocate for our patients, give them the best care possible, and to notify the MDs if we see a change in condition or throw up a red flag for an alarming tr...
  16. Fluid Resuscitation for Renal Failure/CHF

    My philosophy is that if they need the fluid to maintain a map that is consistent with life or a map that the attending is okay with, I always give it. If a patient has a BP of 80s over 40s with a map in the 50s but their baseline systolic is in the ...
  17. The quick down and dirty is as follows: Fentanyl- Opiod analgesic that is used to decrease pain, usually but not limited to post operative pain. Propofol- Sedative hypnotic that is used for sedation. Versed- Benzodiazepine that is use to decrease anx...
  18. Frustrated in the ICU

    More often than not, the Charge RNs will collaborate to see which cases is appropriate for which RN. Im not going to give a 6 month new to ICU RN a less than stable, pressored up ECMO/CVVH patient. I'd give them a fresh heart from the OR or x2 post o...
  19. ICU fever

    101.5 is when we draw cultures unless they are post op day 0. If you have exhausted your pharmacological options you can bathe them with cold water, ice packs, cool the room down, take all of their sheets off, cold towel to the head, if that doesn't ...
  20. Is anyone else's ICU more like LTAC?

    I work in a Cardiac/Transplant ICU in a top 10 hoospital and more often than not we do NOT see these kind of patients. Although every now and then we will have a very critically ill patient who just takes a few weeks to recover but that is the except...
  21. Why did you choose to be an ICU Nurse?

    I always wanted to go into The Units after my leadership clinical in a mixed ICU, but the Cardiac Surgery portion is the part that I absolutely fell in love with. After seeing a patient come out of the OR and the RNs swarming around the patient like ...
  22. Do I transfer?

    Do it!!!!! You have more than enough experience from the CVT stepdown arena and the ED arena to transition well into The Units. I have a feeling that you will do well because A) You are interested in the Critical Care world B) You have a game plan an...
  23. CVICU

    I started in a Top 10 hospital on the CVT stepdown and after 9 months I stopped learning anything new, because of this I made the decision to transfer to our Cardiac/Transplant ICU. I absolutely LOVE it. I am an adrenaline junkie and there is no shor...
  24. First code experience

    Everyone deals with codes and death differently, I have a feeling that you will have a VERY different outlook once you are an active participant in one, but maybe not. In my experience, people only shout and yell if they either A) Don't know what to ...
  25. With the limited information that you have provided, and because they have been very good to you, and provided that you will be compensated well, I would say do it for at least 1 year. You know everybody already, it sounds like you get along well wit...