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About Cherishfanakos

Aspiring nurse-midwife, passionate about evidence-based care. Full time student earning a BSN from Austin Peay State University--Graduating May 2016--and raising a little boy with the love of my life.

Latest Activity

  1. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Has anyone received financial aid offers? I completed a FAFSA in February right after I got word that I had been accepted but still haven't received any financial aid information aside from what I was awarded in my acceptance letter...
  2. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Hi. I was accepted direct entry into the CNM program but like you, I was juggling nursing school with studying for the GRE and didn't study as much as I would have liked. I scored just average on the verbal portion of the GRE and poorly on the quanti...
  3. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Don't lose hope! I've been told by current students that ALOT of their class came off the waitlist since a lot of people apply multiple places! :)
  4. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    For those who were accepted, do you plan on attending the March open house or just the one in August that is mandatory for incoming students? I was looking over the itenerary for the March one and it looks like it's more geared towards students who a...
  5. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    I'm in tears and shock but I got accepted direct entry CNM!
  6. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Im checking my email every 5 minutes. I was hoping to find out today! so nervous.
  7. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    I get out of class in about an hour so I'm gonna call then!
  8. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    I'm thinking about calling also but I know they must get sick of all the calls!
  9. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Awesome! Good luck to you!
  10. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Jena.1001, are you midwifery? I'd love if they were gonna email acceptances first! :)
  11. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    That is very exciting about hearing back this week maybe! Did they say that we would be receiving letters via snail mail or do they mean just " letters" to our emails ?
  12. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    YOU GUYS! For CNM peeps, a current CNM student told me she overheard professors talking and they are planning on sending out decisions SOON. Like next week. Of course this isn't fact or set in stone but I told her the sliver of hope is so helpful! Sh...
  13. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    I think they were saying BY feb 15th we would know so I'm still holding on hope that we will hear sooner! The uncertainty keeps my very Type A personality on edge! Haha
  14. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    Feb 15th was the initial date sent out in the email saying your app was received :) someone else also posted that they called admissions and were given that date.
  15. Vanderbilt MSN 2016

    me neither Emmanade Im getting more and more anxious as the Feb 15 date approaches. I really hate uncertainty! sigh. Hopefully all the anxiety will feel so worth it when we hear our good news!