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  1. So this is kind of a conundrum, but I'm not sure on the legalities of maintaining my RN license as a medical student. Being a nurse is a major part of who I am, I worked hard for my license and don't like the thought of letting it expire. However, an...
  2. RN in Medical School -Should I keep this to myself?

    Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. I didn't go into nursing to go into medicine. After awhile I decided that I wanted to advance my education and I liked the structure and training of residency programs. Being a nurse is at the heart of ...
  3. Hi All, I'm a pediatric RN that has just recently been accepted to Medical School and will be matriculating in the Fall of 2020. It has taken me several years to do this as I've been working part time and taking classes. All of the nurses that I work...
  4. I am in Texas and am taking the CPN soon.I am wondering, when you receive a certification in your specialty, does that also give you CNE's towards renewing your license? Have not been able to find anything out about this. Thank you.
  5. Cook Children's October 2017

    Good luck everyone. Not a new grad but I worked 1.5 years on a med surg at Dallas Children's and it was a very great learning experience and peds was very fun. Enjoy it those of you that get it!
  6. Advice for a New Burn ICU Nurse

    Hello all, I am a fairly new nurse with 1 1/2 years of experience of general pediatrics mixed w/ some trauma-surg overflow at a level 1 Children's hospital. I was just hired into the BICU at Parkland in Dallas and am very excited, but am feeling a li...
  7. Preferred ICU exp, in your opinion

    Hello everyone, I am currently a pediatric surgical-trauma RN who is in in the process of switching to adult ICU. I currently have a job offer for CVICU, general ICU and STICU. I know this is subjective and relative to the school, but I have heard t...
  8. New Nurse feeling very down

    Hello, I am a new nurse into the PICU one month into my internship. I have gone between 3 preceptors in this time and have just met my "main" preceptor after about 10 shifts, while everyone else has been with their "main" since the get go. After taki...
  9. From RN to Medical School

    Hello everyone, I understand this is a very loaded question and I do apologize. I just received my BSN at the age of 22 and I had originally gone into Nursing, in all honesty, to become a CRNA for the money.. I no longer wish to pursue this as I know...
  10. Typical Ratio?

    Well I'm a new graduate at Dallas Children's in the PICU and the ratio I have had so far is 1:2, but for the floor I believe it may be either 1:3 or 1:4, I am not entirely sure.
  11. Best PICU reference/patho book

    I know it has been several months, but since then I have graduated and passed NCLEX. 3 weeks until I start in the PICU. Thank you for your amazing advice, I wanted to follow up and let you know that I ended up buying the 3rd edition by Hazinski. What...
  12. This is probably a dumb question, I'm going to be a GN in a non cardiac Trauma PICU in a few weeks and I have a classic adult littman stethoscope that I went through nursing school with and it seems to work fine. Should I invest now in a pediatric st...
  13. Med/Surg RN. Want ICU job. Get ACLS?

    I'm a new graduate in the ICU and only have to obtain ACLS, if I may ask, what is difficult about getting into the ICU for you as an experienced RN, I guess I'm not understanding.
  14. I just got my BSN, now what?

    Hello guys, I am 22 years old and just graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with my BSN less than a week ago. Throughout college I have worked waiting tables and then transitioned into being a Patient Care Tech all whilst juggling scho...
  15. New Graduate in the PICU

    Hello guys, so I figured I would give you some back story on me so that you can grasp the situation. I am a male that fell into nursing from switching out of pharmacy and have never had experience with kids, even thought I did not like kids. I initia...