
EllaBella1 BSN


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All Content by EllaBella1

  1. Florida New Grad pay rate

    Most new grad pay rates aren't negotiable. The hospitals usually have set rates for new grads depending on whether you're a BSN grad or ADN grad. I very very highly doubt they would have negotiated with you anyway. I'm in a different area of Florida...
  2. Giving insulin late patient request

    I would have just charted that the patient refused earlier and agreed later. Covers you either way. I wouldn't have adjusted the times for the next insulin dose.
  3. Nursing vs nurse Residency Program

    Nurse residency programs are often a year long and involve both classroom classes and time on your floor. For us we also had an extended orientation (3 months) with a preceptor before starting on our own. We also had a lot more meetings with our nurs...
  4. Blood specimen from iv sites.

    Our hospital recently switched from a 96 hour IV site policy to an "as long as it's working" policy. They said it's new evidence based practice that they don't need to be swapped out. The exception for us is if it's an EMS/field stick. Those are sti...
  5. How long is enough time to stay in the ICU?

    I stayed in my first ICU for 2.5 years and had multiple job offers when I was ready to move on. You'll totally be marketable at this point.
  6. In the ICU, do you get a tech?

    My last ICU we were often tripled with no tech or any other support staff. It was terrible and patient care truly suffered. My new ICU we always have a tech regardless of census. They assist with baths, turns, check blood sugars, setting up rooms. So...
  7. Charge Sheet

    My hospital does that. We use Cerner and the things we're supposed to charge for trigger a task on the task list. So like for glucose checks it triggers at whatever times/frequencies they are ordered. When you double click on it it asks for which fin...
  8. When did being pregnant become a disability?

    My pregnant brain works just fine, thanks. Yours however clearly has some issues that need to be worked out. Please tell me, how exactly is it that you know that the girl who asked for assistance pushing the bed didn't have any restrictions? Just be...
  9. When did being pregnant become a disability?

    I'm pregnant with my first now and am on a lifting/pushing/pulling restriction due to a (thankfully resolving) subchorionic hematoma. I discussed it with my manager and she agreed that we could accommodate my restrictions without me having to go on l...
  10. Gloves? Is this acceptable?

    I always glove any time I enter a patient's room with the intention of touching anything, PO meds included. This is both for my sake as well as my patient's sake. If I was a patient I wouldn't want a nurse bare-handed handling medications that I was ...
  11. Two different blood pressure readings?

    If you have parameters to hold meds based on BP, and one of the BPs was under the parameters, I would hold. You could always recheck both arms in an hour and give the med then if it applies.
  12. Use of Ultrasound Guidance for PIVs

    I place ~90% of my PIVs by ultrasound. I'll admit, I suck at peripheral IVs when I'm just doing a blind stick. Unless the patient has like bodybuilder-esque bulging pipes for veins, ultrasound it is. With the ultrasound I can get an IV on my first tr...
  13. Critical question, please advise ASAP

    I disagree. I think the OP is completely correct. She is being asked to delegate tasks to people who aren't properly trained or qualified. I think that is pretty negligent if she does so willingly. Regardless OP, even if your license itself wasn't i...
  14. Requesting to be laid off?

    They will not lay you off if they ask unless they are truly an upstanding amazing company to work for. What is more likely is they will agree to this, "lay you off", you file for unemployment, and they bring up that you asked for it and deny the unem...
  15. Explaining Low GPA

    Just keep applying. Does your community college offer an associates RN program? Perhaps that would be a better move for you. Or are you close to being able to finish an associates in science or something at the college you took pre-reqs at? Having an...
  16. After reading some of these replies it's so apparent to me that many nurses have not had any contact with the organ donation process. As a Neuro ICU nurse I can tell you that this kid was likely designated to be a DCD donor. In those cases the patie...
  17. Do RN led Rapid Response Teams Have Too Autonomy?

    Our RRT also operates under a set of MAC-approved protocol order sets. I honestly think that having to call the doctor to approve the orders defeats the purpose of having a rapid response team in a sense. I 100% agree with your point that having to s...
  18. Pre-op thinks I sent them a mess

    The biggest fault I see in this scenario is the behavior of the doctor who felt that the patient needed ICU level care but didn't want to put in the work to get the patient there. That provider should be written up for that. It's unnecessary and dang...
  19. HIPAA Violation?

    It's not a HIPAA violation. Not entirely sure why you would need to verify their license though.
  20. PEG Tube Residual

    I agree that it's a stupid policy, and that the family sounds like they know what they're doing here. But it's also not wise to deliberately go against hospital policy, especially when there is an order which states to follow it.
  21. Did they ask for your GPA, yes or no?

    I wasn't asked for my acceptance into my nurse residency program. But after we were accepted into the program and rotated through a few units we had to interview for the ones that we wanted to be placed in. I choose MICU, and when I interviewed with ...
  22. PEG Tube Residual

    If the family is adamant that it's returned I would do what the supervisor says and call the hospitalist. Otherwise I would explain to the family that both hospital policy and orders state that it is to be discarded and that your hands are tied at th...
  23. Preceptee medication error

    I also feel that 8 months of experience is not enough time to be precepting a new grad. I completely respect your decision to do it, and I do understand where you're coming from in being honored that they asked. But they really are setting you up for...
  24. Moving to Florida

    You will probably have to get a single state Florida license first since you don't have residency yet. I did that while I was still living in NY and had it in hand when I moved down here. You can't temporarily work under another state's license. I w...
  25. Lines-Please help

    ^^What he said. But to add: A PICC is a type of central line, but what is more commonly referred to as a central line is slightly different. A central line, usually internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral, is a central line with the tip in the SVC,...