
EllaBella1 BSN


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All Content by EllaBella1

  1. Nurse Charged With Homicide

    Eh. Homebound, I disagree. I don't think anyone is suggesting that she get a pass here just because she's a nurse. The reason I have an issue with this is because although she clearly bypassed several safety checks, there are still components of a sy...
  2. In larger hospitals the floors tend to be split by specialty. You'll have a cardiac tele floor, a cardiac step down, a cardiac ICU, and so on and so forth. That way the nurses on each floor are more specialized in the area in which they work.
  3. I've had enough.

    I would urge you to seek help. I understand that you do not want to be labeled as depressed, but there is much more to depression than 'feeling sad'. Unfortunately there isn't usually a switch you can flip to fix this sort of thing. And please remem...
  4. I would assume the difference is the cardiac tele floor patients are being admitted with a cardiac issue, whereas the general tele floor they are being admitted for a non-cardiac issue but require tele monitoring.
  5. I would say unless you have a specific interest in either cardiac, neuro or ortho I would take the general med/tele position. You'll see a little taste of everything in a unit like that, including the other specialties. I.e. a patient admitted for a ...
  6. Can a registered nurse work as a medical assistant

    It sounds to me like you turned down the job offer by saying no to the shift that they offered. I wouldn't consider yourself hired, and I wouldn't expect to hear back from them with a day shift offer anytime soon.
  7. Pay in Tampa/St Pete/Clearwater?

    Curious where you were applying that you were offered such low pay? Was this in a hospital? I was hired as a new grad in Tampa several years ago making $26.83 base to start as floor staff. I'm currently doing agency work, but thinking about switchin...
  8. Unsafe staffing with 4:1 ICU ratios 8:1 on floor.

    I would also start thinking about leaving. I was in a similar situation earlier this year. When things first started going bad around 15 or so nurses left the unit. The management promised to fix things, and I was one of the ones who held on to see h...
  9. Email them and tell them that you have changed your mind and have decided to pursue an option that better suits your needs. You might end up having trouble getting employed by them in the future but that's the tradeoff. I think you're making the rig...
  10. Why are accelerated BSN programs closing?

    This must be a local phenomenon. ABSN programs are very much alive and thriving everywhere else.
  11. Remember pagers?

    Same! I still carry one when I work rapid response for sepsis alerts. And on the floors we still page the on call hospitalist for needs on night shift. I do remember carrying one when I was out with friends in high school though. My mom had develope...
  12. Reminder why the seven rights are important

    I do agree that the lethal injection bit was sensationalized. But it's interesting that the Pyxis allowed the nurse to override Vecuronium by name. I'm used to most paralytics being locked in high alert areas in the Pyxis or in a RSI kit. Is that not...
  13. New graduate desperate for a job

    Look into the Tampa Florida area. Plenty of new grad jobs here- almost all hospitals have new grad residency programs.
  14. Forced to Chart using another employee name

    I would start looking for another job immediately, and I would also report that facility to the board of nursing once you leave. The fact that they are asking you to chart as a nurse under the name of an unlicensed person is just wrong.
  15. Quitting the StaRN program?

    I worked for a different hospital system as a new grad, but it was also one that had its shortcomings, especially on certain floors. I myself was on a tough floor, but I stuck it out through my residency. I went home crying regularly for my first mon...
  16. Should I take this job!?

    100% take the job. That's still 9 months away. I think that most employers would be understanding of a shorter employment at a particular position when you tell them you are in a military family.
  17. Is nursing still a satisfying profession?

    For me nursing is exactly this. Nursing is also my second career, and honestly I've never once looked back and regretted my decision. I think the biggest problem is that in order to have a satisfying career in nursing you have to be a little bit flex...
  18. What Does A Graduate Nurse Do?

    Agree with the rest, take your NCLEX as soon as you're eligible to do it. When I was a new grad the hospital I was hired at used the graduate nurse thing as kinda a loophole to hire us as nurses prior to us being officially licensed, but we were expe...
  19. A "name" in nursing

    I think you took her saying "a name" literally when it reality she meant it as a metaphor for experience.
  20. Is this legal?

    The legality of marijuana in general is really complicated. I don't think your hospital is necessarily wrong to abide by the federal law in this case. I personally would just skirt the issue by telling the patient "Hey you can't have that with you he...
  21. New grad job applications

    I started applying to new grad jobs around 3 months before I graduated. I was fortunate to graduate with a job offer that was contingent on passing my boards by a certain date, which I did. I mostly applied to new grad residency programs. The jobs th...
  22. Opposite Sex Coworker Social Boundaries

    I think this sounds like a marriage issue more than a professional boundaries issue. I see no issue with having a BBQ for your coworkers.
  23. Pregnant working in a very understaffed ICU

    Wait. Like 5 patients at the same time? Do not walk, RUN away from this place. I could never, and would never work in conditions like that. I also do think you are putting your pregnancy at risk in this case. Your job is clearly very high stress- hi...
  24. New job offer, letter of resignation

    I wouldn't. I would want to see something in writing before putting in my notice. I would just call your new job and see if they can send you your offer letter- just tell them you need it in order to start on the agreed upon day. They should be fine ...
  25. Does the exhaustion go away?

    It didn't get any better for me when I was in a similar situation. I ended up changing jobs to one closer to home and I'm so much happier.