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All Content by ccuccrnap16

  1. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    I applied to LSU as well but I may end up accepting for our lady before they even start interviewing. I just wanted to have a back up if I didn't get accepted.
  2. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Yay!! We will be classmates! Are you going to stay in Texas for the online portion or are you moving to Baton Rouge?
  3. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Congrats CRNAbound3! Are you going to accept the offer or are you looking elsewhere as well?
  4. Pregnant and starting CRNA program

    This is just a strangers two cents here so take it with a grain of salt here lol. If I were in your position I would hold off on CRNA school. You can always go to school but it seems like you may or may not be able to successfully have a child. You s...
  5. Our lady of the lake Baton Rouge Louisiana interview

    Look at the other post on the lake I interviewed earlier this month and left some tips.
  6. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    They started off the interview with personal questions like why do you want to be a CRNA, how are you emotionally and financially prepared, what will make you successful in school etc. They then talked about the unit I worked in and asked me about my...
  7. Thoughts on my stats

    This is not necessarily true and I would just apply and see. All that can happen is you not get an interview this time and do like the above poster stated for next year. I had similar stats but I interview extremely well and was offered a spot in my ...
  8. Thoughts on my stats

    CCRN material and hemodynamics. Know your typical patient upside down. Know frequently used gtts on your unit and mechanism of action. Know all your ventilator settings and peep pressure support etc.
  9. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Acceptance letters won't go out till beginning of August. They told me at the end of my interview but it won't be "official" until I get my letter.
  10. Thoughts on my stats

    You will be fine. While your GPA is on the low side your experience and GRE make up for it. The make it or break it for you will be the interview so study and practice and good luck! Come back and let us know when you get in :)
  11. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Oh okay I was like I didn't take an exam lol.
  12. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Wait?! You had an exam?
  13. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    I got in as well, interviewed Tuesday. Congrats! Are you from the area?
  14. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Yeah I think they are probably scheduling those who got their app in early first. I had my app in like first week of July. My coworker just sent his in like the last week and hasn't heard about interviews yet. I'm sure you will be hearing back soon. ...
  15. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    They extended the deadline to august 1. I'm interviewing Tuesday.
  16. Still on orientation....need a letter of recommendation

    They still want something *
  17. Still on orientation....need a letter of recommendation

    I would call the school back and just be honest with them that she doesn't feel comfortable writing you a recommendation but if I still want something ask if one from your charge nurse would be sufficient. One school I called to ask about this said t...
  18. Still on orientation....need a letter of recommendation

    Why don't you just get your NICU nurse manager to write a? I am in a similar situation as you but long story short I called the two schools I am applying to and they said they preferred a recommendation from my last nurse manager since I've only been...
  19. CRNA- ICU experience

    Honestly, I don't think it really matters what type of ICU you work in it mostly matters that the applicant is knowledgeable/proficient in the broad spectrum of critical care...i.e. pressors, sedation, vents, lines, etc and you will see all of this a...
  20. Moving into ICU, but don't intend to stay

    I hate to be bitter Betty but alllll of this. I have kept my desire and plans to go to CRNA quiet because people get all crazy and treat you different if you tell them it really pisses me off because if you openly announce you are pursuing NP school ...
  21. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    What's your email I can give you some direction..
  22. Wake Forest H3A - AMAZING

    I wanted to do this but both sessions were already full.
  23. CRNA- ICU experience

    I think the neuro ICU would be a great experience and would look great for CRNA school. I started out in an 11 bed neuro ICU and you get more med surge icu patients than you think..
  24. Anybody applying for OLOL Doctorate CRNA program for 2017?

    Awesome! Do you live near Baton Rouge? Private message me your email and I'll send you mine...there are some pointers I can give you :)
  25. SRNA and single mother? Need advice.

    How far away would you have to move and is it a masters or doctorate program? I don't know how little girls are but when my son turned 6 he was way less dependent on me and caring more about friends and activities so I think it would be a good age...