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All Content by Esmeraldap

  1. University of Rochester ABPNN Sept 2016

    Hey everyone! I had my interview the 17th & I was also told we would receive our results in June. I'm applying from Orange County, CA! I think i stressed way too much, when in reality, the interview was quite informal!
  2. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    I too just logged in, but nothing!
  3. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    Greentearocks- Thank you! I just applied to Columbia and MGH IHP. I'm in the process of finishing my app for University of Rochester and NYU.
  4. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    I just found out I was rejected from Columbia bummer! But I'm hoping for the best from MGH IHP. Admissions, if you're reading this please please PLEASE release your decisions sometime this week And for all the Californians, I've noticed a common tr...
  5. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    I believe Yo-yoshi had mentioned earlier that a friend of hers currently in the program received decisions the first or second weekend of February.
  6. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    I'm hoping we all receive good news today!
  7. Columbia ETP 2016

    As am I Ignisviridae- Although I'd be stoked to move to NYC I think I would stick with on campus housing for the first year. Personally, I would want to get comfortable with the city itself during that year.
  8. Columbia ETP 2016

    When I visited them for a tour they did say that they provided on campus housing, but I'm sure they reserve a large chunk of it for their undergrads.
  9. Columbia ETP 2016

    I'm going to have to say that we may find out by the end of the week. Last year their application was due way later.
  10. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    San Diego is beautiful! Their food is ridiculous. I live in the OC, which is about 1 1/2 hours away from SD. Nonetheless, California is beautiful and you're making a good choice to move here! I'm definitely going to take you up on that offer! I have...
  11. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    That's awesome! I'd say you definitely have a foot in with your volunteer experience. I'm from SoCal.
  12. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    Thank you! and Goodluck to you as well! Do you currently live in Massachusetts?
  13. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    Same here! I honestly hope I get into this school! I've heard/read good things about MGH IHP. OMG D: I know Columbia will be sending their's soon
  14. Columbia ETP 2016

    I'm thinking you still have Rochester, NYU, and Georgetown to apply to. Their deadlines offer are soon, but those tend to offer only an accelerated BSN.
  15. Columbia ETP 2016

    FutureNP04- What specialty did you apply to?
  16. MGH Direct NP program 2016

    Hey Wilson! I did too, about a week ago or so! what specialty did you apply to?
  17. Columbia ETP 2016

    Let's hope that we all get accepted to our respected specialties! I just wanna rip the bandage off, the wait is killing me. Woo woo! Ignisviridae- I live in SoCal
  18. Columbia ETP 2016

    @ignisviridae Oh wow, well congrats! I hope you get into your first choice, but honestly, you've got a good list of potential schools! I was considering UPenn, but after much debate I decided not to follow through with the application. Where do you c...
  19. Columbia ETP 2016

    That's awesome! Aside from Columbia where else did you apply?
  20. Columbia ETP 2016

    I haven't! I actually applied to the Master's Entry Level, I completely forgot about the ABSN deadline Are you going to MGH IHP?
  21. Columbia ETP 2016

    My anxiety levels are definitely on an all time high. I was trolling through the past year's posts and they were notified within the first week of Feb. But the applications in previous years were due November, so I'm thinking we may be notified the b...
  22. Columbia ETP 2016

    I'm hopeful that they'll release their decisions before THAT weekend, considering Friday and Monday are holidays. The suspense is killing me! I never received an email from MGH IHP that my application had been completed, rather I logged in and saw it...
  23. Columbia ETP 2016

    Hey Everyone! My name is Esmeralda and I too applied for Columbia's program. However, I'm interested to know if anyone also applied to MGH IHP Fall 2016? I've looked through different posts regarding MGH IHP, but I haven't found a brave soul who's sh...