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All Content by loveoverhate

  1. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I was advised today those who attended 2/11 EAOD to be checking mail daily as the offers will be out shortly.
  2. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    They make it sound like its not a guaranteed thing, and then some staff said it was. It is very confusing. They had stated that they can invite some people back if they didn't get a feel for your interest in the program when you do EAOD. I don't thi...
  3. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Congrats it was nice meeting you at the EAOD. Good luck!
  4. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I was reading up and obsessing. However, I did see in past years that some EAOD offers had been made within a week of visiting the campus for the event. Not sure if that will happen with us but I am hopeful lol!
  5. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Good Luck all EAOD tomorrow !
  6. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Hope that they give us answers before the next EAOD! I haven't been able to stop checking my inbox lol!
  7. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I think it balanced well between them wanting to know what interested you about getting into nursing, what you have done if you've been in medical field, where you want to be in nursing as far as specialty. Its pretty chill, you basically get to get ...
  8. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Not sure.. But there are 20ish people in each I believe. It was a good day. They did say they could invite us back if they wanted another interview. Mainly to get to know us better..
  9. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Im flying out tomorrowwwww!!! Getting excited and nervous.. got free upgrade to first class even.. Just hope everything works out fine in all other aspects.. Anyone else going on the 11th?
  10. IHS Service commitment

    Thanks for the information. I am also a Male Prospect Nurse. I was accepted into Western University of Health and Sciences. They have a MSN-E program designed for non nursing bachelor degree holders. My EFC is 0 as well even still after my bachelors ...
  11. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I think it's top 10% I had a 4.0 gpa in my last 60 credits... 6+ years nursing assistant experience in the ER... About a 3.60 in my nursing requirements..recommendation only from the doctors that supervised my work.. But I was sitting in your positio...
  12. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    in the past declines came via mail from what I understand. Everything so far has been by email, no calls or snail mail. There is still plenty interview dates and stuff just hang tight.. Sending good vibes your way.
  13. IHS Service commitment

    What did your guys statistics look like? I am looking to apply for this cycle.. I am a MSN student and I am hoping to obtain this scholarship.. I have not been successful getting it 3 times already.. However, now I am falling under professional aspec...
  14. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I received an early acceptance letter but they might be waiting.. It literally was like boom one week to book my flight and make arrangements.
  15. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I doubt that they would pay us for the clinical hours. Usually, thats at personal cost and we have to fit that into our schedules. I know that personally, I am stepping down from full time employment to make all this work. It is very scary but with a...
  16. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Peace, I would have to totally agree with you on this. I mean there are things that ive been thinking about myself. However, BSN isnt going to matter, if you have the money to fund a second BS degree go for it if it helps you sleep at night. This pro...
  17. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Has anyone recommended a good hotel to stay at? Everything in the area is so expensive!
  18. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    didnt see it come up!
  19. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I will be there too Hana.. I am coming from Washington State tho!
  20. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Can anyone give advice on the EAOD? I know the basics but anything to suggest?
  21. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    SilverNP2b how long did it take from EAOD to acceptance letteR?
  22. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I got my EAOD letter today! ahhh! wish me luck!
  23. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    Good Luck this week guys!
  24. Western University of Health Science MSN Entry Level 2016

    I tried to email my admissions counselor and all i got was this: The status of your application is complete and ready for committee review. If you are selected for interview you will be notified by email one to two weeks prior to the interview date. ...
  25. UA MEPN 2016

    Its not too long, requires unofficial transcripts... I need to wait til i get the $ to pay the 85$ tho...