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  1. Fall 2016 admissions to ARC/SCC RN program

    Sierra notices went out last Friday
  2. American River College Fall 2016

    So I turned in my acceptance today! I can't wait for orientation to find out how to get all of the stuff needed for the first day!
  3. American River College Fall 2016

    Just got my acceptance letter for Fall 2016! 3 times a charm!
  4. American River College Spring 2016

    I didn't get an acceptance letter, I wonder about the alternates?
  5. American River College Spring 2016

    Nope, really feeling discouraged, I'm going to force myself to not check until 3:30 p.m. I don't know why I have that time in my head as THE TIME, but I do.
  6. American River College Spring 2016

    Yep, I already mapped that out too. It's that tiny fear that the letters went out and nobody here got accepted that nags at me. I have another friend that applied and she hasn't heard anything either. I really wish they would just pick a day and say ...
  7. American River College Spring 2016

    I'm not sure. I have a friend who is in the Fall 2015 class and he was 10th on the alternate list and his friend was 28th and they both still got in. So I don't know how many alternates they guarantee admission for from semester to semester. I did se...
  8. American River College Spring 2016

    So I got all excited because I had an email from ARC..... and it wasn't from the nursing department.
  9. American River College Spring 2016

    So the ebooks are the way to go? That is really good to know.
  10. American River College Spring 2016

    I was wondering about that, thanks for letting me know, I don't want other people to think it is a good sign if it isn't.
  11. American River College Spring 2016

    So, I don't want to get my hopes up, but when I was checking my status on ARC there was a new Hold on my account saying that I needed to fill out a supplemental registration form for spring 2016. I have not gone through the application process for Sp...
  12. American River College Spring 2016

    I searched the site a few weeks ago and it said you had to have a TEAS within a year, but now I can't find maybe they changed it.
  13. American River College Spring 2016

    Mine still says application qualified 10/19.
  14. American River College Spring 2016

    Sierra requires taking the test annually. I don't know what the other schools require í ½í¸
  15. American River College Spring 2016

    I sure hope they tell us soon, I need to register for some classes if they don't. I thought for sure it was gonna be on the 6th. Keeping fingers crossed, I sure don't want to have to take the TEAS again.