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About FlossyRN

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  1. Really, is this real?!?!

    Your right...you got me...there is so much more to this story. But I'll start with saying my husband is my biggest fan and has never put me or any of my endeavors on the backburner. I didn't work for 4 years while he was our soul income to achieve th...
  2. Really, is this real?!?!

    We get them post op day 1 and they refer to them as "fresh". And just two days ago I had three "fresh" CABG patients, a day 3 CABG, a walkie talkie, and two AVR's. 7 patients who all require so much of my time. As a new nurse I know time management ...
  3. Really, is this real?!?!

    LibraSun, I recently put my name on the petition for nurse to patient ratios and have been trying to learn more and more about my facility. I do not want to be a hassle or perceived as such...I honestly, believe that these men and women work like t...
  4. Really, is this real?!?!

    We can have up to 8..I have never seen anyone have more than that. I have never had less than 6 meaning at one time...not I have three and discharge 3. Usually, if I have six I have two empty rooms who usually get filled giving me 8 or if I am able...
  5. Really, is this real?!?!

    For the record I would like to state. I am kind, courteous, and generally well mannered. I have only mentioned my previous hospital experience to anyone that has asked (honestly, I think three people)...it was not volunteered. When it comes to smal...
  6. Really, is this real?!?!

    I appreciate all the responses. This situation I have found myself in has me regretting going to school to be a nurse. Let me say, I am not a fresh faced 20 year old (no, I'm not old as dirt either) I am a 33 year old working wife and mother who wa...
  7. Really, is this real?!?!

    I wish..it was an amazing facility..however, it is five hours away. We moved to be closer to my husband's family which also happens to be a town over from Hillbilly Hell and Good Ol' Boy junction it appears.
  8. Really, is this real?!?!

    Well, I was hoping by saying that I graduated with honors and did well at clinicals showed that I was a team player and worked hard toward my goals. I understand you are stating how you see it and only hearing my side. However, I would also like to...
  9. Really, is this real?!?!

    I am flabbergasted by the lack of team work. I mean, it is horrendous. Nurses are almost hateful to each other, very cliquish. I do hope to be able to catch up one day and lead by example...at this rate though I am not sure when this day will ever...
  10. Really, is this real?!?!

    No, I didn't sign a contract however due to child care and my husband's job I am not able to work night shift.
  11. Really, is this real?!?!

    Hi, I am a new nurse who graduated in May. I graduated with honors (this was not easy, I had to work for it) and did well in clinicals. I have been working day shift on a cardiac step down unit since July. I truly love nursing...I am just not sure...