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All Content by nd1freke

  1. Los Angeles County Allied School of Nursing

    Thanks, and yes I did, scored 87. I was freaking out about the English and reading sections. My math and science definitely pulled me up. The result will be posted on Friday night.
  2. Los Angeles County Allied School of Nursing

    I applied to the LVN-RN bridge, easy decision for me. I don't expect it to be easy, but if I get in, I'm ready to do the work. I took the teas on the 4th and I passed, yay!
  3. Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN 2016

    Knock, knock... anyone still here? Who else completed the application for this summer?
  4. UCLA MECN 2016

    https://appstatus.grad.ucla.edu/account/login.aspx Check here
  5. UCLA MECN 2016

    Its about 1am, I just randomly checked the application status and saw my rejection letter , I didn't receive any email notification. Good luck to everyone still waiting and congratulations to those that have been accepted.
  6. Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN 2016

    I turned in my application recently, I'll also applying to LA Southwest College. nini_02 I think you should still apply; From previous threads, the points needed for the lvn to rn program is lower than the generic program.
  7. Columbia ETP 2016

    I completely understand your situation as I'm in a similar boat. Undergraduate GPA 2.6 ( life happened), MS in public health 3.7 and nursing prerequisites 4.0. Unfortunately, a lot of weight is given to undergraduate GPA. I've applied to multiple sch...
  8. Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN 2016

    Hows the summer classes? what does it cover? It'll be good to look over them before the class starts. Looking at their point system, I have 84 points right now, is that good enough to get in? Has anyone gone to the info session?
  9. Los Angeles County College of Nursing LVN-RN 2016

    I'm planning to apply to this program also. As well as other LVN to RN programs at several community colleges
  10. Columbia ETP 2016

    is it January yet? The waiting is killing me.
  11. UCLA MECN 2016

    I also got that email a few days ago, still waiting on one more recommendation. At least four months wait... :-(
  12. UCLA MECN 2016

    I've started the application but I'm really nervous. The main problem I have is my BS, my GPA was quite low, however, when I met with admissions they encouraged me to apply. My Prerequisites are As, except for a C in statistics, which I'll take again...