Natasha, RN, BSN

Natasha, RN, BSN

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All Content by Natasha, RN, BSN

  1. Options aside from bedside nursing?

    Sorry to hear of your distress, but nursing is not an easy profession and really does take time to learn and adjust to. Most people are anxious and stressed out their first year, regardless of the unit. I work in postpartum and believe me, you will s...
  2. Well, depending on your future goals... but... I would keep the clinic job in a heart beat. While the hours may not leave you much of a personal life, as you've stated, perhaps those hours will change in the future? Believe me, working 3 12's leaves ...
  3. I want to quit nursing.

    Well, there's definitely an adjustment period. However... it is hard to 'adjust' to your current situation with the working environment not being what it once used to be when you were there prior. Definitely a let down. Unfortunately, this is seen ev...
  4. Nurses: How far is your commute?

    26 miles (30 min) one way. Three 12hr shifts/week
  5. Report etiquette

    You are correct, nursecat, about looking up those kind of things before the report And that is what I do, and thus knew when I would eventually GET report from that nurse, I would need to log back in to show that nurse as proof. Otherwise, she has b...
  6. Feeling guilty about calling in sick.

    I think because you are feeling guilty shows you have a heart and truly feel bad for needing to call in sick. And yes, when I have to call in sick, I feel absolutely terrible about it. But remember, if you were to go into work in your condition, you ...
  7. Decided to respect my mental health!

    Congrats to you!!! Sounds like you had a gut feeling to not take the hospital job that would leave you running around like crazy with a high nurse to patient ratio and limited training. Run for the hills from that one! lol Again, congrats :)
  8. Disciplining employee in front of other employees?!

    If it were me, I would let my manger know (face to face) that if corrections need to happen in the future, then in private would be best. Otherwise, if some situation should arise again, you could get a repeat
  9. Report etiquette

    This is EXACTLY why I open my computer when I'm coming on shift and receiving report. But am I documenting events of the night when giving report? Nope, because that IS rude. As you've stated, and I quite agree, it's inconsiderate. Just last night t...
  10. Would you tell a coworker they're going to be demoted?

    I know she's your friend... but... I'd steer clear of getting in the middle. Things ALWAYS have a way of getting out, and the last thing you need is your boss upset at YOU. Since you know what your boss will do (and as you've stated, you feel it's wr...
  11. Just took my nclex

    I got 75 questions, 30+ sata, and passed. And... the trick DID work for me, of course it's no guarantee, but helps put the mind at ease. Good luck, I'm sure you did great :)
  12. Fragrance Sacrifice

    There is that "one person" on my unit that does that as well. Speaking as one who immediately sneezes and gets watery eyes from other's fragrances that are either too strong or horribly scented, I appreciate the no perfume rule. However, subtle scent...
  13. The ONE thing that will make your nursing life easier

    For the aides out there... Thank you for all that you do! For my unit, our CNA's are AMAZING!!! We are so blessed to have them and tell them frequently how much they are appreciated :)
  14. The ONE thing that will make your nursing life easier

    I'd loved to see management be in the trenches with us every now and again... to keep them in tune as to what we deal with day in and day out. This way, when more things get added to our plate, they'll know how it directly impacts us and our ability ...
  15. Is this what nursing is about?

    Unfortunately, those attributes seem to run rampant on many nursing units. Not all, of course, it's just a very common theme amongst many units and in many hospitals. Having a strong NM helps, of course, but if they turn a blind eye to the situation,...
  16. How long should one grieve after losing job?

    ^ Absolutely agree!!!! ^ I've had some friends new to the nursing profession asked to leave their first unit due to the same reasons you were, and were placed on a different unit, and thrived. Go and FIGHT for yourself and sell what you ARE good at! ...
  17. Coworker conflict

    Oh my gosh.... Reading this is almost exactly like what I went through when I was a new nurse on the unit. And the only one among very experienced nurses. My heart goes out to you! I, too, went through everything you described, and while it's not ok,...
  18. Night shift RN's :Do you eat in the morning after your shift?

    I absolutely eat right after shift, and before going to bed; usually on my 30 min drive home. It's just raisins or a banana, nothing heavy. But I too will otherwise wake up starving around noon, and would have to get up anyway to eat something. Even ...
  19. Just passed my nclex on Dec 30 2015

    Congrats! And so awesome to grab your dream job!!! :)
  20. "Can I keep my placenta in your staff frig until I get discharged?" Um... no "Turn around! I want my family to see this! You have have the cutest butt in those scrubs!" smh from sheer embarrassment... "Could you bring us an ice bucket for our champag...
  21. Even the Stoic Have a Breaking Point

    Lots of tears as I read this... Hugs to you, and your staff.
  22. Night Nursing: Precepting & Perception

    Well, I can definitely say that night shift nurses work! And work hard! Speaking as a night shift nurse myself (I work some day shifts too when my unit is in a pinch, but mostly nights), there are many tasks/responsibilities to attend to, as plenty o...
  23. New grad school nurse

    If that is what your heart is calling you to do, do it! :) I myself hope to one day become a school nurse, but right now I cannot financially afford it. Nursing is my second career; I was a teacher for many years prior. I know and have seen the many ...
  24. Question about weekend schedules

    For my unit, we're required to work three weekend shifts every 4 weeks (only Sat and Sun count). So, I try and knock out two of them on one weekend, then do just one shift the next, which of course leaves two totally free weekends. However, sometimes...
  25. Am I nuts?

    I feel like you know where your passion lies... go for it!!! It's a big decision either way, but go with your gut and what you can imagine seeing yourself doing :)