Natasha, RN, BSN

Natasha, RN, BSN

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All Content by Natasha, RN, BSN

  1. Miss being a bedside nurse?

    Do I miss being a bedside nurse? Not. One. Bit.
  2. Are You Where You Thought You'd Be?

    For me, I remained open to the possibility of venturing different nursing avenues as I knew throughout school that once I GOT into nursing, I would see and learn much more than what I did during school. The first unit I ended up working on, that I TH...
  3. Nurse forced to work as a CNA

    I absolutely agree! And I have been an aide a few times myself, when I'm needed. It's fun every now and again to shake up your normal routine and do something different :)
  4. Day VS Night

    I LOVED LOVED LOVED working nights. More relaxed yet still a busy pace (at least on my former unit). However, couldn't sleep well during the day. So, irritability was sometimes an issue.
  5. What do you hate most about your job?

    Short staffed!!!
  6. "Cell phone" vibration in your thigh?

    Yep, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, as this happens to me a couple times a week. It could happen at anytime, anywhere, and always leaves me wondering what the heck??? :) Glad I am not the only one!
  7. Is it really that bad?

    Is it really that bad? Well, it depends on how you want to balance your work/family life. I recently left bedside because I needed a job where the hours were more consistent (during the week, with nights, weekends and holidays off). I personally foun...
  8. Feeling a little down about taking a summer class

    I would give anything to have this 'problem.' I would also give anything to have the time to take micro over again, simply because I absolutely loved that class. Nursing is HARD and STRESSFUL. You will need to sacrifice a whole lot more than just a ...
  9. Best way to avoid bedside care?

    It's good you know what you do, and do not, want. However, getting the first year of bedside 'under your belt' is a good idea for a foundation to work from, utilizing nursing skills in your new role. Believe me, it's very different than when someone ...
  10. Warning about scrubs and beyond

    Sorry you had such a bad experience, I myself have never had any problems either. I have also ordered several times.
  11. Nursing Vs. Teaching

    Me too... taught for a number of years, and now a nurse for a number of years. BOTH are stressful, but nursing is WAY more stressful, IMHO. Plus, WAY more physically demanding than teaching. I, too, am considering going back to the teaching professio...
  12. "Your job is to make me happy"

    All. The. Time. But then again, I do work on a postpartum unit where our NM lets us know at every morning huddle that we are the unit the hospital depends on for bringing in the high pt satisfaction scores. Because after all, we are the "happy" unit....
  13. Doc Vader vs pt satisfaction

    THAT. IS. AWESOME. ...and unfortunately so truthful
  14. What to do about coworker not pulling her weight

    Definitely let management know... sounds like a huge safety issue to me with possible critical pts needing to be seen ASAP and there she is doing diddily-squat. IMHO, whether email or in person, just keep your concern objective with pt safety at the ...
  15. Do you still have to do dosages math by hand as an RN now?

    Yep, I still do some dosages by hand, and depending on what I am calculating, another nurse will double check.
  16. Personal Values as a nurse

    For me, my personal values in my approach to care are the same values that I have for living my life in general: with integrity, honesty, remain ethical, and all encounters with others to be of a kind and caring nature. IMHO, it's how humans should r...
  17. When a pt "gets" to you

    I am so sorry this happened to you, and brought up a sad memory as well. It's hard to please every pt all the time, or their family, but just remember we are all doing the best we can. That's all anyone can ask of us. There are just some days when st...
  18. Successful Orientees Vs Unsuccessful Orientees

    ^^^THIS!!!^^^ Couldn't have said it better myself...
  19. marriage and nursing school

    Quite a few of my nursing school classmate's relationships were ruined and/or ended. I am sorry for what you are going through. Nursing school is not easy, and definitely takes a toll on not only the relationship with your other half, but family and ...
  20. If you don't pray. Please don't take this offensive.

    I am so sorry for your loss and what you and the family are going through. Many prayers, thoughts, and hugs are headed your way!!!
  21. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    I have found that many who had a "dream" job learned, once they went through school (or worked for a bit!), found they liked quite a bit more than they originally thought. Just stay open to all opportunities and possibilities :) I never thought I wou...
  22. I couldn't agree more!!! I was a former teacher of many years as well... and went back to school for all these same reasons listed above. Best decision I ever made was getting my BSN. Good luck to you, I know it's not an easy decision to completely c...
  23. I'm I crazy?

    My drive is 30 minutes, and I love the time to listen to music and either pull my head together on the way to work, or wind down and relax on the way home :)
  24. News Flash Everybody Farts!

    LOL!!! Yes, we do!!!
  25. How do you deal with untherapeutic situations on the unit?

    Um... I can only hope you're not serious that you abandon ship when all heck breaks loose... ...though I can understand one needs to gather their thoughts, but not at the expense of others. On my unit, we jump in and help each other out, looking to ...