

Aged, Palliative Care, Oncology

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All Content by Nurse3000

  1. How to deal with a bully patient?

    UNLIKE BUTTON. my goodness gracious, he sounded very unwell, to put it nicely... ok catty side coming out to play... It's sounds like Hannibal lecter!! 😂
  2. How to deal with a bully patient?

    Hmm bully patient not really... But probably worst comment I have heard while on the job would have to be an old bloke saying, "a ni*** is still a n****" while looking at me and talking to another patient... Some people
  3. What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

    I inhaled heaps of small but visible particles of dry, flaky skin off a patients dry legs the other day trying to moisturize and put his damn TED stockings back on. It was completely unecessary as he was being discharged an hour later. Too nice of me...
  4. What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

  5. What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

    As AIN was told to empty urine from a catheter bag before finishing my shift. I was too busy gasbagging to the patient when I realised I had emptied most of it on and into my shoe. I never ran out of a place quick enough, so I could rip my shoe off a...
  6. Suspended for a Medication Error

    Was new grad end 2015 - didn't know how to read insulin needle.. drew up too much, not confirming amount I stupidly asked for check/without verbalizing that I didn't know how to read the needle and expecting the second check nurse to draw up right am...
  7. The "Fat" Deception

    Brilliant article. And I'm so lucky to have stumbled across LCHF recently proscribed by an excellent General Practitioner (GP). One is very lucky to have this new information tries and tested. I have PCOS and was finding hard to lose weight... doc s...
  8. Terminated After Two Months!!

    Oh Dear lady. I feel your struggle. Nurse Beth thanks for the advice. Very good. One of the reasons why I'm on this site is to get adequate support and a sense of comradity... when I feel alone and scared as a 1st year / 2nd year nurse I freak o...
  9. Perfect-o Meter

    wow fantastic article. sage words.
  10. What just happened?

    I'm 2nd year doing agency work. I got my patient load this morning. The team leader said you have say, rooms 38-41. I said sorry, she said check the book. I checked book and overlooked my name with room 37 too. thought I just had 4 patients. to comp...
  11. What just happened?

    Thanks for your support guys. Will reflect on it some more and forgive myself too! Hooley Dooley!
  12. What just happened?

    No because he didn't have any drugs of addictions or injections due. He was diet controlled diabetic, so no BGL taken either (gulps). I'm so freaking lucky nothing happened to him. I am responsible for overlooking the patient on my list but for not g...
  13. Disturbing Conversation on Overweight Healthcare Workers

    I might have. I've been overweight the last 6 years. Before I was slender. And I have been the most bullied and mistreated ever since being a bigger girl. The thing is, I was slim but I had eating disorder tendencies and smoked a lot almost all day i...
  14. Job performance

    Indeed, they sound like they're not very cool people.
  15. Sad and Exhausted - Questioning my career choice

    Sounds like the black dog to me!
  16. "Your job is to make me happy"

    Weird comment. Bit off by pt. I think you responded poerfcectly.
  17. Getting Our Egos Out of the Hierarchy!

    Hi! :yes:Yes, I think this is a really good article! Thanks for sharing. I hope that other health care professionals can think about and reflect on these common themes and issues as much as we can in order to sustain a better, more supportive, produc...
  18. Getting attached to patients

    this is hard, feel like that wth quite a few of my patients, i get a bit upset or teary but at this point in time a lady i love, she is the 90 yr old granny i never had, (... nanny died when she was early 60s and i miss her!) and then the lady next t...
  19. Have any of your patients ever told you that you're a good nurse?

    All the time!!
  20. Your Worst Mistake

    thats nice of you nurseie 30 to keep on supporting, more nurses like you pls.
  21. Your Worst Mistake

    absolutely horrible. wouldnt wish on worst enemy fate of those poor nurses and the poor pt. shocking
  22. Your Worst Mistake

    my goodness glad you came out the other side.. im sure you havent made a mistake like that again!
  23. There's alot of lovely male nurses out there! They seem to be a catch as they are confidann and very compassionate. A compassionate man is very lustworthy.. and the doctors phwoar.. Id be very lucky to meet a nice doctor or murse to shack up with!
  24. Dumbest thing a doctor has done/said to you

    LOL :Skull:
  25. Drug seekers

    leave it to the docs and say what you think it might be, i.e. drug seeking, and tell your team, hand over. and keep on promoting that health.