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All Content by Brad2018

  1. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Yeah, well I know they wait for final grades to come in. So it maybe the second week. But my gosh we are getting closer! I hope I get in. I hope we all do.
  2. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Yes! One more month y'all!
  3. BRCC NURSING 2016

    True, at least take comfort that you're not in this waiting game alone. I pretty much thank we all worked so hard to get to this point. I know I have. Regardless of what happens, I will become a nurse. I feel called to it. But I hope the best for us...
  4. BRCC NURSING 2016

    I am growing more and more nervous about it all though. I really pray I get in
  5. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Yeah I understand! But it looks like you will get in @Ja9093 your GPA is awesome and your Hesi score! You got it
  6. BRCC NURSING 2016

    True! But we are almost in May!!! Yeaah!!!
  7. BRCC NURSING 2016

    And unfortunately some people didn't know they added the biology part. This is the first year they added biology.
  8. BRCC NURSING 2016

    I'm a 100% sure you are in. With that GPA and Hesi score. You are golden! Hopefully we will be joining you. and I agree with you about the biology thing. It's so true one day people's very lives will be in our hands. I know nursing school is going to...
  9. BRCC NURSING 2016

    That sucks but I must admit that would give us more of a chance of getting accepted. I heard a lot of people failed because of the biology part being added to it. i have a 3.8 and 86.8 on the Hesi I hope we all get in!
  10. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Prayer is soooo powerful! God brought us this far, regardless of what happens we will become RNs. And the best ones! it would be awesome if we all got in. We can all study together sometime. We all would def become life long friends going through nur...
  11. BRCC NURSING 2016

    You have a solid GPA though! I think you're in! I hope we all make it in the 60
  12. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Really? Honestly last year they accepted people with lower GPAs and Hesi scores, so we may be good. I'm just so anxious and this wait is killing me.
  13. BRCC NURSING 2016

    GPA: 3.8 Hesi : 86.8 All classes taken at Brcc! Praying I get in. It's so competitive you?
  14. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Yeah, im most likely going to summer school. But im sure June will be here before we know it. I pray I get accepted!
  15. BRCC NURSING 2016

    So every one should of taken the Hesi by now. So the wait begins...!
  16. BRCC NURSING 2016

    The long wait is I can't really plan my summer until i find out if I got accepted or not. I hope we all get accepted! Southern university is my second option too!
  17. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Btw, did you take all your classes at BRCC?
  18. BRCC NURSING 2016

    You are definitely in the program! Congrats!
  19. BRCC NURSING 2016

    How did you do?!
  20. Hey I got a 86.8 as well! It's not too bad!!!
  21. BRCC NURSING 2016

    How was it for you?
  22. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Yeah it only took a few hours. Should be up in no time. They are going to email you or you could go on the website I think
  23. BRCC NURSING 2016

    I just sent you an email!
  24. BRCC NURSING 2016

    I really hope we both get in and can do this whole journey together! You sound cool already!
  25. BRCC NURSING 2016

    Wow, that's powerful! I want to start off working in Med surg. Then I want to move to the ER. But I think I want to try a little of everything except pediatrics. My ultimate goal is to become a nurse practitioner. But I at least want to get my Maste...