

Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care

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All Content by nursesaideBen

  1. What age were you when you went to nursing school?

    Hm... earned my CNA when I was 16 started LPN school when I was 17 I'm 18 now and graduate this May :) It kinda stunk because the hospitals wouldn't even hire me as a CNA until I became 18 this past summer lol
  2. Why are Newbies Such Whiners?

    I have to agree with you! I'm 18 a CNA and I graduate LPN school this May. A few other students are around my age and anything that our instructor says or does a couple of the students automatically think that she's trying to degrade or insult them. ...
  3. Please assess your patient well!

    Can you imagine admitting a pt and never doing an assessment or getting orders for them???? That is pure maddness! The poor pain management is all too common which is very sad. I'd like to think that if I was in the hospital for pancreatitis I'd hav...
  4. What part of pt care gets overlooked most often

    The thing that gets me are nasty, dirty fingernails. Let's face it, a lot of our pts play in their feces, their foley's, and it's all under their nails for when they eat or drink anything.
  5. Dismissed from nursing school...appeal denied

    Great way to contribute and offer support.... Anyway try not to beat yourself up or let yourself feel depressed, as the others have stated you can reapply for next semester. We can't be at our best all the time you WILL get through this :)
  6. Out of nursing program cause i am smoker!!!

    At our school we're not allowed to smoke during clinicals either, and that's fine, I just suck it up and keep going. I'm trying to quit smoking simply because I'm tired of not being able to breathe lol Honestly, it's not worth getting kicked out bec...
  7. "hospitals won't hire psych nurses"

    That's a wonderful idea! I work on a medical unit and we get a BUNCH of psych patients especially alcoholics because our psych unit doesn't do detox.
  8. Just curious, because I love taking care of terminal patients and I've wondered for a while how the inpatient hospice settings are set up as in what are your nurse/patient ratios, etc. Any input would be wonderful!
  9. Disturbed Energy Field? Yes or No?

    This would be a good one if you were taking care of psychic with a brain injury or something :chuckle
  10. Pain Management: The 5th Vital Sign

    Sorry Triage didn't mean to get you riled up lol I was just wondering :chair:
  11. Don't be a Psych nurse if.....

    I totally agree. While it's true that a lot of times we choose our path in nursing based on our own personal experiences, it simply isn't appropriate for your patients to know about you. We're not here to be friends with our patients, we're here to b...
  12. Pain Management: The 5th Vital Sign

    This is kinda off the wall, but I always wondered why O2 sats weren't the fifth vital sign? I mean at the facility I work at, with every set of VS you get an O2 sat on, we document the O2 sats with the VS so why isn't it considered a VS? If anyone kn...
  13. What is your job?

    While I still have 1 more semester of LPN school left I work at a hospital as a CNA on the Medical Care Unit, I LOVE IT! I worked at a skilled/LTC nursing facility and an ALF for the first year that I was a CNA, I loved working with elderly people bu...
  14. Health Profession & Wacko's

    I have to agree with Tweety on this, I think you have to be a little "out there" in order to get through NS and survive out on the job! For me personally, my friends all think I am crazier than looney toon for going into nursing all they ever say is ...
  15. Float LPN frustration

    That sounds extremely frustrating to not be used to the full extent that you could!! I think talking to them about a permanent position on one of the units as a nurse not an aide or for them to start using you as a nurse when you float instead of an ...
  16. Most Nurses are Female: the pros and cons?

    Through my personal experience I think that females are easier to talk to, and generally have better communication skills. Now this isn't always the case because I know quite a few male nurses that rock my socks off and several female nurses I'd like...
  17. Is the LPN program hard???

    I have 4 months left till graduation, and to be honest it's been a very difficult program. With us we've had at least 1-2 tests every day and at least 3-4 hrs of homework and studying every night. We started with 15 students down to 8 now lol Is it ...
  18. How busy is your unit this Christmas?

    I work on a medical care unit we had 12-13 pts xmas eve and day not bad but the ones we had were either isolation, confused and determined to fall, or ringing the call light every five seconds :trout: last night was the busiest of the two ran ALL ni...
  19. What would you have done? rant

    That is the most ridiculous thing! That just absolutely infuriates me!! I'm sorry I just don't know what else to say other than I think you did the right thing and your manager needs to get off your back :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :a...
  20. What part of pt care gets overlooked most often

    I have to a agree with oral care as well. It sounds awful but since I can have up to 20 pts as an aide and have to do all the baths, accuchecks, vitals, make sure they have water so the nurses can give meds, call lights, admissions, discharges, I sim...
  21. Difficulty with a CNA

    Bottom line is you're the nurse, she's the aide, it's your responsiblity to stand up and flat out tell her that she needs to start listening to what you tell her to do. If you ask her for a b/p on a patient you're not just asking for the heck of it, ...
  22. Destruction at work: What have YOU broken?

    Thank goodness I'm not the only one who has done that Well, I haven't broken too many things yet but on incident I did have happened about 2 months ago in clinicals, my patient had an 02 tank in her room that I accidently knocked over, I was so af...
  23. What is the silliest complaint someone has ever made aboutyou?

    When I was working in LTC had one mentally with it resident who never liked me. He kept complaining to the charge nurse and the DON that I was "Too ugly, too fat and too stupid to be serving him." Well the DON just told me to not worry about it that ...
  24. What did nursing school do to you?

    Lord I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this! I have gained so much weight, my blood pressure is constantly elevated, I have been sick it seems almost every other week, it NEVER ends lol one more semester left: OB, Psych, Peds, and geriatric...
  25. frustrating job search...

    Are you only wanting to work in a hospital setting or have you applied to SNF, LTC, Home Health, Hospice, Clinics, and physician's offices as well? Hang in there, I KNOW you will get a job you love it may just take time! :icon_hug: