

Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care

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All Content by nursesaideBen

  1. I don't know about you, but everyone could say whatever they wanted to say about nursing and I'd still be working my butt off to get to graduation. If it's your dream you can achieve it.
  2. As nurses, Do We "OverHelp?" Can we Change?

    Yeah I think at times we do overhelp those around us, not only our patients but out families as well. We HAVE to be there when something goes wrong to make sure it gets cleaned up lol who knows but you do bring up some very good food for thought.
  3. Nursing Shoes For Men, do they exist?

    Okay, thanks you all, I will look into the shoes you've suggested :)
  4. How do you deal with ICU superiority complex?

    I think you may have misinterpreted my post, I in no way shape or form was putting down MS nurses or ANY nurses. I was simply stating that every floor has its challenges. I apologize I upset you so but playing the little tit for tat game was not the ...
  5. How do you deal with ICU superiority complex?

    It can seem that ICU isn't that busy because you only have 2 patients but, when both of those patients are crashing at the same time or one of them is 500lbs on 12 diff. IV drips running is incontinent and you have to change him except you don't have...
  6. Are students in the way?

    Well from a student's perspective, I've almost completed all my clinical rotations (2 months until graduation :monkeydance: ) and I've been very lucky to work beside some terrific nurses who were willing to take the time and explain procedures, meds,...
  7. Well, I guess I'll try again....

    NCLEX-RN is geared more towards critical thinking, disease processes, etc (from what I've been told) NCLEX-PN is geared more towards things like what would you do first, knowledge about nursing skills, etc. This is just what I've been told as far as ...
  8. LVN Vs. RN

    One of the RN's I work with told me this once and I really think it's factual in most cases "In LPN school you learn how and when to do nursing skills, bedside care, etc. In RN school you learn more about nursing theory and why you're doing what you'...
  9. Why are RN's so fat!

    Some people in here need to get off their high horse, we all have problems before you judge others take a good long look at yourself, you might just see that you're not as perfect as you think you are.
  10. Work, classes and clinicals? How to do it all....

    I would just lay your cards on the table with your NM if she can't accomidate your schedule than she can just do without you PERIOD! No job is worth sabotoging your education and future over. I hope you'll be able to get the sleep, rest, and time wit...
  11. Sometimes I Miss Being a CNA

    Yeah I've realized this here the past couple of months, and it scares the *#$@ out of me! One day it just donged on me that hey one day when I get a blood sugar reading of 546 I won't be able to just "tell the nurse" cause I might be the nurse :trout...
  12. Sometimes I Miss Being a CNA

    I've been a CNA for about a year and a half now and graduate ns this may. I recently switched to day shift and right now I'm just very frustrated with my job. I work as hard as I can and run the entire shift and yet it seems like there's ALWAYS somet...
  13. All in charge of hiring please look here!!

    One thing that I've always done is send a thank you card to the person(s) that interviewed you, it really helps to make you stand out.
  14. FELLOW Nurses please help with this dilema. I am so upset!

    Sounds like that place is a toxic enviroment, I would suggest leaving that place as soon as you can find another job. Look for positions in hospitals, LTC, ALF, hospice, home health, psychiatric hospitals, since you have good phlebotomy skills you mi...
  15. What do I tell her?

    I agree with the poster that suggested she speak with her DON, I understand she that she must have felt lost but she must realize that once she's there performing patient care of some sort, she can't just leave. Hopefully if she can work it out with ...
  16. Thoughts on Maternity nursing.

    Right now we're doing OB in school, and while I don't care for it, I have nothing but respect for the nurses that have chosen it as their specialty. Anyone telling you that OB is not real nursing, is a fool pure and simple.
  17. Chronic COPD'er, 1 lung, 02 @ 6L/min. What would you do?

    You know, this is SO TRUE! So many folks in healthcare are quick to judge others on their performance. I can see both points of view in this situation. Right or wrong it sounds like this patient was heading towards a vent and I doubt the Paramedic's ...
  18. Abusive Nursing Instructors-LPN

    This is surprisingly common believe it or not, some nursing instructors are extremely negative and think that insulting and degrading their students is beneficial in the education process. The truth is, no instructor no matter what her credentials ar...
  19. LPN End?

    As others have said LPN's are being phased out of many acute care settings. As The Commuter said LTC business and skilled care rehab facilities are cropping up all over the place. These professional nursing organizations better hope LPN's don't comp...
  20. Not me!

    Not trying to be negative or anything but I only see the problems that plague LTC getting worse, not better.
  21. A nurse is a nurse is a nurse... not!

    Certifications already exist for nurses who have chosen a selected specialty. Although I believe that in order for the nurse to be eligible she/he must have several years of experience in that field and take a state test in order to be certified. I d...
  22. Vent... Why was I so stupid?!?

    It always is such an inspiration to me when I see adults and older people going back to school. I think it must take so much courage and dedication to do so and the respect I have for all of you is tremendous. Several people in my class are second ca...
  23. A nurse is a nurse is a nurse... not!

    I have to agree with the previous posters. A lot of students aren't sure where they want to specialize in after graduation. I couldn't imagine having to decide what type of specialty I would be going into while in school. That's what is so interestin...
  24. rules for student nurses

    Don't accuse me of taking over the care for your pt just because I answered the call light twice because you were to busy gossiping and complaining about everyone behind their backs. Don't tell the class a story about your grandma's health issues eve...
  25. rules for student nurses

    ^ If me or any of the other students in my class tried to delegate anything with our patients to one of the CNA's my instructor would dock our grade so bad it's not even funny lol and I don't blame her being a cna myself there's no excuse why a ns ca...