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About cardiacrehab

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  1. Change in Specialty to Cardiac Rehab??

    Hi fitness RN, in response to your questions about training for increasing exercise experience. In Canada we have an organization called CAN Fit Pro. They provide certifications in various exercise related courses. The courses are a few days and a...
  2. Change in Specialty to Cardiac Rehab??

    Hi all I have enjoyed reading the responses in this forum. I am a CNS in cardiology and the Manager of a cardiac rehab program. I hire nurses who can read a monitor, 12 lead, and have ACLS. Myself I spent many years in the CCU, have a Masters in n...
  3. Telemetry Monitoring

    Hi, in Canada we do not have "telem techs". We are responsibile for our own telems. Having said that we do have a charge nurse who is planted at the desk and can monitor all patients while she performs all her other duties. We have portable pagers...
  4. New Grad. Should I work in CCU?

    Nursing shortages being what they are I suppose hiring trends will be driven by who is applying and what the needs are. I had 6 years of acute surgical experience before accepting a job in CCU. These days the shortages of qualified, experienced nur...
  5. New Grad. Should I work in CCU?

    I'm not a big supporter of new grads in the critical care area. Personally I think getting 2-3 years of good solid medical surgical experience will provide you with the skills and experience to work wherever you wish. Skills in recognizing subtle c...