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All Content by beekee

  1. 5 Reasons Nurses Get Fired and How to Avoid Them

    Easiest way to get fired? Be old and injured. You’ll be out in some trumped up charge in no time!
  2. New grad only night shift available

    Acute care just may not be an option for you. New grads almost always end up on night or rotate day/night. Weekends and holidays are required. You will need to figure out childcare or will almost certainly lose your job. At my job, the wait list for ...
  3. RN career development path

    What about cardiac rehab, personal trainer or certified diabetes educator? None of those would be able to order labs, however. I doubt insurance would cover much of what she is looking at, which would make this a tough gig.
  4. It probably would be helpful to look at the regulations. CNAs can assist, but not administer.
  5. Just want to throw out that you are doing your black and white thinking. Yes, the ICU is a bad idea. Low acuity nursing with some heavy self reflection? Probably something you can manage, but ONLY with some serious work on your part.
  6. OP, I don’t think you have really HEARD what the issue(s) are with your performance. I highly doubt you were fired from the LTC because you called the on-call MD with a lab value before assessing the patient. The issues are deeper. You keep banging ...
  7. You have been terminated from three positions. With each termination, you have been given the same feedback. You haven’t worked as a nurse for six months. Realistically, getting any job is going to be difficult. And, unfortunately, any bedside pos...
  8. Should I go to 12 hr shifts?

    I always advise people to peruse the job postings on (or whatever source works for you). If you are looking for a 9-5 clinic job, what are the requirements and preferred qualifications? Clinics aren’t the only 9-5 jobs. What about jobs w...
  9. Quit my CNA Job ???!

    Maybe try to diversify your healthcare experience. Maybe become a scribe in the ER? Or move to another unit that interests you?
  10. So we have enough nurses nursing supervisor, really?

    If they hire more nurses, how will they afford all the studies they do on how to improve patient satisfaction?
  11. PCCN progressive care certified nurse. CMC Cardiac Medicine Subspecialty Certification CSC Cardiac Surgery Subspecialty Certification All three are offered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)
  12. Millennial Nurses Have Issues

    Is this an opinion piece? Many new nurses tend to be chained to their computers at work. I don’t ever think it’s because they are avoiding patient care. It’s because they were taught that the box checking is more important. In time, they will discov...
  13. You should never ask a nurse this question.

    I would welcome this question from my patients. Many people do not understand that a nurse is not a doctor wanna be. The system is complex and confusing. If I can help demystify any of it, I am happy to do so. If you take offense to the question, th...
  14. Can a graduated nurse be a medical assistant ?

    I don’t know the answer to your question, but take a look at job postings to see what is required.
  15. Private or State school?

    Honestly, if you are struggling that much with your generals, and using all your resources (tutoring, office hours, study groups, etc.), nursing probably isn’t in the cards. At least not now. It’s highly unlikely you even meet the minimum requirement...
  16. Nah, I wouldn’t worry about it. The only thing I would have done differently is ask at what point he’d like to be notified. I also might have given the patient his morning BP meds early. If I had to call a rapid on everyone with a SBP greater than ...
  17. Would you do that? New grad dilemma

    Chances are you won’t be able to move up. Many hospitals do not allow transfers for six months to a year. They aren’t going to want to train you for the LVN position for you to leave shortly after you come off orientation. I’d ask about the new grad...
  18. PTO not in the budget for remainder of year

    No, not normal. I’d double check to see if you have a “use it or lose it” policy. Some places require you to use some or all of your PTO by the end of the year. If you don’t, you lose the PTO. If your employer has such a policy, request the time off ...
  19. While we were arguing; We disappeared

    We have color coded scrubs. However, as best I can tell, if you are a man, you are the doctor and if you are a woman, you are the nurse. At least that’s what the patients think.
  20. New grad, Med error

    I bet the charge would have given it IVP too. I’ve never done Zofran IVPB either.
  21. Trying to switch to ICU

    Step down/intermediate unit. They are usually stepping stones to ICUs.
  22. Preceptor is SO BAD!

    You’ve had two shifts on orientation as a new grad in an ICU? Yeah, she may not be the best preceptor but this sounds pretty normal to me. You aren’t to the point where you can do much yet. You need to show initiative and confidence, and definitely ...
  23. My DON is harrassing me, can I save my job?

    I’m going to wholeheartedly agree with Nurse Beth. Your DON is creating a paper trail to fire you. Corporate, if they do anything beyond forwarding your emails to your DON, it will be to support your DON. While you may believe that doing your best i...
  24. R.N. debating to pursue BSN

    Take a look at WGU. It’s affordable, all online. self-paced and all pass/fail. If you are self-motivated, it’s a good option. If you are a procrastinator, it may not be a good option for you. I finished my BSN in one term, for about $3500. You pay pe...
  25. ICU float position VS same old unit ?

    Sounds like you want to take the leap.