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All Content by beekee

  1. Small versus Large ICU

    It will be beneficial. Sure, you won’t see everything but it’ll be a good place to hone your critical thinking and skills. You can transfer to a larger ICU in the future, if you want. In my opinion, the unit culture is one of the most impor...
  2. New Grads and Acute Care Hiring

    When I was in my ADN program, I was repeatedly told hospitals just don’t hire. ADNs. Fast forward 1-2 years and the hiring criteria was basically a pulse and a license. Now, with Covid, we just started hiring again, but are even pickier than when I w...
  3. Sure, you can specify day shift, no weekends or holidays, or COVID patient. However, if an employer has the option to pick between two agency nurses, are they going to be picking the nurse that’ll only work the shifts that are the easiest to fill fr...
  4. I’d recommend against taking the agency gig. Why would LTC need agency nurses? It’s going to related to poor staffing due to COVID, poor management, and/or ridiculous workloads. Add that to the fact that agency nurses are often used as “relief” nur...
  5. Nursing can be a tough gig. Lots of responsibility, but little authority. Staffing ratios are often dangerous. Moral distress is all too common. However, I think you can find something within nursing that works for you. Do you prefer working at...
  6. Should I stay or go?

    Change is scary...but also can be good and necessary. It sounds like this move is long overdue.
  7. ICU orientation

    After a couple years working on a med/surg floor, I transferred to the ICU. I received 20 shifts with a preceptor and was assigned ECCO modules. No classroom, shadowing or other experiences. I feel utterly unprepared. Is this a reasonable orientation...
  8. HELP! Don't know what to do.

    You may want to check on Texas eligibility requirements. For instance, Texas requires a Texas jurisprudential course. Also, I believe you have 4 years to take (and pass) the NCLEX.
  9. Graduate asked to work in PCA position?

    You likely don’t have a choice. If you are in a hard hit state, they likely don’t really have the resources to properly orient you right now. They are also short staffed every where, so NA it is! There’s no “normal” right now. It sucks. Everything s...
  10. Frazzled New Nurse Stuck on Rotating Shifts

    I could be wrong....and I hope I am, but has there been any discussions with your manager about your performance? They could just be trying to get you to quit. At least, that’s where my mind went when I read your post. Honestly, I’d start looking. O...
  11. Maybe the PCT is just a bad PCT. But I’m guessing that s/he is just afraid. I work on a COVID unit that’s seen several staff members get ill, some severe enough to be hospitalized and even one death. And then their families get it, with some pretty ...
  12. Trouble with Internal Transfer

    Both the SICU and MICU managers likely talked to your current manager about a potential transfer and that’s where this feedback is really coming from. Have you spoken to your current manager? It sounds like your current manager doesn’t think you are...
  13. New Grad Indecision you and every other new graduate are competing for an extremely small pool of jobs. The LTACH job will teach you a ton. It won’t be your last job and it’ll be good experience. You won’t have to worry about not having enough to do, I pro...
  14. For those of you that have taken the exam, did you find it challenging? I'm thinking of taking it and I'm trying to put together a study plan. How many hours a week would you recommend to study? I'm relevatively new; I just barely have the minimum nu...
  15. Canadian RN trying to work in Michigan

    Take a look at these:
  16. new grad residencies or start working

    I’m not in SoCal but I’ve heard the job market for new grads wanting to go into acute care is extremely difficult. Add no tech/CNA experience and a pandemic, and I’m guessing your chances are next to zero. Not impossible, but certainly very unlikely....
  17. Big_Mike, are you still debating on going to nursing school?
  18. Graduated in March, Cannot Find a Job

    10 jobs is nothing in this job market. You need to look at anything and everything that might be hiring. Yes, that includes nursing homes.
  19. New RN, how to pick a specialty?

    You want the job that provides the best foundation for your career. If you have the opportunity to chose, pick the one with the best culture, staff and support.
  20. From what you said, chances are going to postpartum is not a suggestion, but a requirement for any chance of continued employment. There seems to be a big disconnect between how you feel you are doing (“I know I am a great Nurse, my Patients love me...
  21. Med/Surg to ICU

    Why not just try to transfer now?
  22. You should start out with a job. They are hard to get. If offered both, take the L&D job. There’s no rule that says you must start in med/surg if you don’t want to.
  23. Can RN's function as Sleep Technologists?

    Have you ever had a sleep test done or know what it entails? I’m assuming not because it’s not just watching people sleep
  24. BSN Total Costs at NOVA Southeastern University ?

    Tuition and fees are listed on the website. Tuition is $27,700 in state and $28,695 out of state per year. Plus: -One Time NSU Application Fee:$50.00 -One Time Seat Deposit:$200.00 -HPD...
  25. Switching departments... And regretting it

    Have you asked? Communicate with HR and your new manager.