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All Content by jz16

  1. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Hey Vanessa! As previously mentioned, definitely try to keep your grades up, especially in the prerequisites. I would say a 3.5 is a good thing to aim for, but I've read that folks definitely get in on many sides of the spectrum. BUT that being sai...
  2. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I got my letter (or letterS I should say.. I wasn't expecting two!) today! So relieved to know the information on the portal wasn't a joke hahah I can't wait to meet you all and go through this crazy journey together
  3. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I'm in the same exact boat! My interviewer mentioned that letters would be sent out the first week of march, so I wouldn't think too much of it. I think wait until Saturday comes and see if you still haven't received anything. I also got an email rem...
  4. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    It's not coming up for me! Could someone PM me the link or something?! Congrats to all accepted or waitlisted. Hang in there guys. Everything will work out as it should!
  5. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I have no idea if what I sent you is helpful at all but sure!
  6. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    @hihello2016 - I sent you a personal message!
  7. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Is anyone definitely accepting?
  8. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    IM IN TOO! My portal now has an admitted tab [emoji4] yayyyyy
  9. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Still nothing for me [emoji17] hope this doesn't mean anything bad
  10. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Yes exactly! It seemed like a very supportive / nurturing environment. I'd definitely have a hard time saying no if I get in [emoji16]
  11. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I felt like the interview was very conversational, but there were so many impressive people at the events so it's super intimidating! I'm very glad it's over but it's going to be a long two weeks
  12. UCLA MECN 2016

    Hey guys! If it makes anyone feel any better, I was denied admission and heard around feb 10th as well. So don't overthink! The timing might not mean as much as you think it does. Hang in there!! I have faith that we will all end up where we are mean...
  13. UPenn Second Degree/ABSN Fall 2016

    Hey guys!! Decisions are up! I got wait listed which I did not expect at all (was expecting more of a straight up rejection). Anyone know how many are usually wait listed / what my shot of actually getting in may be?
  14. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Thanks! I've heard various things and wasn't sure if someone had exact numbers. But that is helpful :)
  15. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Hey guys! Very excited to meet you all in February. Random question: does anyone have any idea how many applied / were invited to interview? I have no idea why but sometimes it makes me feel better to know!
  16. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    @Alawani87, I just sent you a personal message! Let me know if you didn't get it or can't respond!
  17. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    @NURSE_AtleticoMadrid, Thanks for your advice! I'll definitely check that out. I did not apply to GW, but I do work at the hospital so if you've been around then we definitely might have met! I'm sure I'd love USD, but at this point I'm just not sure...
  18. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I'd be coming from DC, so it's been a frustrating experience to find affordable flights / hotels! I'll definitely ask around but am not super close with the people I know who live there. If USD wasn't one of my top choices, I probably wouldn't go... ...
  19. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Hi guys! For those of you interviewing, anyone flying in or have any advice regarding flights / hotels / places to stay? I have a cousin in Carlsbad and a few friends in LA but I'm not sure how much that helps me. I've never been to CA so I'm pretty...
  20. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    I received my letter to interview today and i live in Maryland if that helps anyone! Congrats to all and hang in there if you were declined or haven't heard anything yet. Any program would be lucky to have you! I hope we all get in wherever is right ...
  21. University of San Diego MEPN 2016

    Hi everyone! I realize this is jumping the gun a bit, as I have not heard anything about an interview (and honestly can't say I feel too confident). However, I've been doing a lot of research on the financial aspects of different programs and was wo...
  22. UVA CNL Program 2016

    I tried to join the group but I don't think it's letting me! Can we post something here when it's active :)
  23. UVA CNL Program 2016

    I got in too!! Wait list is also wonderful so congrats to us all!
  24. UVA CNL Program 2016

    sigh. see you all at 12:01!
  25. UVA CNL Program 2016

    Thank you to all the current / past CNLs for your constant support. It's so awesome that you're taking the time to calm us during this crazy stressful time. I really really hope they post it today and that we all got in