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About firefightnnurse

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  1. Does this get better? Or can I make a switch now?

    Wow...nurses really do eat their young...
  2. I'm having doubts about nursing... :(

    I understand your frustrations I remember being that exact same position my second semester of nursing school what I can tell you is that nursing school gets better. He will be able to put that nursing education to better use coming up soon. As far a...
  3. Does this get better? Or can I make a switch now?

    Very interesting. No need to be nasty with commemts like "learn to be humble " i haven't mentioned any of my past jobs and experience (in the medical field). I know i have a lot to learn, however there are definitely ways to teach it, o e of them is ...
  4. So, I started my first job ever as a nurse 2 months ago. After much shifting around of preceptors (not my choice, lots happened with each one, then some covered for the main one, etc. lotsa being bounced around) I feel like I am ready to quit. The fl...
  5. I literally hate my job

    I too am a new grad (this past May). got a job in a step down that at the time felt like a great fit. I have only been there 2 months and HATE IT. I really feel like nursing may not be for me. Everything is about what I didn't do, or how slow I am. I...