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All Content by 8*P23J

  1. ATI vs RN Master vs Kaplan Qbank

    Mine did that every now and then and I passed in 75 questions my first time. Remember, don't focus on the score. Its not about the score you get or how many you get wrong. Its how you tackle those you got wrong and what you learn from them.
  2. Why PVT is UNRELIABLE. Please read.

    Or you could wait 48 hours to spend just the $8 required to get a definite answer. Because if you're money goes through, you freak out and think you failed...when in reality you still may have passed. I don't think it's a soap opera. I think its just...
  3. Why PVT is UNRELIABLE. Please read.

    I took my test on a Friday and got my results on a Sunday!
  4. ATI vs RN Master vs Kaplan Qbank

    I agree 100%. If it wasn't for Kaplan, I don't feel I would have passed with 75 questions like I did! I'm a strong believer in Kaplan.
  5. Why PVT is UNRELIABLE. Please read.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it. Many people are going to read this thread and not trust you and still assume a glitch in the system is more reliable than waiting 48 hours and paying 7.95 for results. Sigh.
  6. Starting my new job!

    I have definitely heard that! My instructors always told us to ask questions even if we think we already know the answer. That is what I plan on doing.
  7. ATI vs RN Master vs Kaplan Qbank

    I guess to me the questions on NCLEX mastery were more content heavy compared to how the NCLEX wants you to think. I didn't feel it tested my critical thinking skills as much as Kaplan, but that's just me
  8. ATI vs RN Master vs Kaplan Qbank

    I did 100 questions a day 4 weeks before my exam and then did the ones I got wrong. After that, I did Hurst and reread the material within the 6 days before my exam along with doing a quiz from Hurst each day.
  9. ATI vs RN Master vs Kaplan Qbank

    I felt NCLEX mastery was no help at all. I did the Qbank and I swear some questions I had on Qbank I had similar ones on NCLEX. I swear by Kaplan Qbank! :) I passed in 75 questions first try and I just used the Qbank and Hurst.
  10. Starting my new job!

    Thanks! It hasn't quite hit me yet. Reality hasn't quite set in...everything still seems like a dream. But I am definitely nervous about having people's lives in my hands! I thought I was nervous as a student...at least I had my instructor and my pri...
  11. Starting my new job!

    Med/surg telemetry
  12. Starting my new job!

    Thanks all! I'm so excited to start! I'm definitely going to try my best to keep my positive outlook, no matter what!
  13. Starting my new job!

    I almost forgot about getting support hose! Thanks for the reminder :)
  14. NOTES...how do you take yours?

    This is precisely the reason we were not allowed to record in class.
  15. NOTES...how do you take yours?

    Just saying what they told us. And we aren't the only program like this. I was just warning to double check and make sure this is allowed.
  16. Passed the NCLEX-RN in 75 ?s

    Glad I could help!
  17. Passed the NCLEX-RN in 75 ?s

    I thought Kaplan was harder than NCLEX. my NCLEX was a breeze compared to Kaplan! And I was making scores from 60-80%. But don't let the scores determine if you will pass or not! First of all, Kaplan suggests you make 60% on your quizzes. Second of a...
  18. I took my NCLEX today!

    Yay! Congrats!
  19. Passed the NCLEX-RN in 75 ?s

    Saunders, I found, was a lot easier than NCLEX. Don't waste your time on it. Focus on Kaplan more. I did 100 questions per day 2 weeks before my exam, but not all in one sitting so I didn't get stressed out. Honestly you should be doing at least 100 ...
  20. Passed the NCLEX-RN in 75 ?s

    Congrats! I used Kaplan Qbank as well and I felt it helped tremendously! I also passed in 75 questions and all credit goes to Kaplan.
  21. Finally on the 5th try, I passed the NCLEX 5-26-15

    Congrats! What a relief that must be!
  22. I took my NCLEX today!

    My advice on the PVT is...just don't do it. I know you already did and people tell you wait 24 hours, but don't do it again. It will only increase your anxiety. That, and doing the PVT won't change your score regardless. So just wait 48 hours (if you...
  23. 118 Questions - Did I pass?

    Good luck! I knew someone that got to 150 and passed. Sending good vibes your way!
  24. Glad I could help!
  25. NOTES...how do you take yours?

    Make sure you're allowed to do that though! I know with many programs you aren't allowed to record in class because HIPAA. Teachers may reveal info about patients they had to make a point for the lecture that they need to stay within the class. Recor...