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All Content by Philly85

  1. Also what is this .9 I keep seeing?
  2. That is some crazy extra $$$ right there!!!
  3. I think I'm definitely going to try to pick up nights and weekends at first. I'm more of a night owl, anyway! I love the thought of only working three days a week and making extra $$$ working an "undesirable" shift. Fine by me!
  4. Good advice, jadelpn, thanks! I thought I had heard that anything over 8 hrs per shift automatically switches to some kind of differential for hours 8-12. I guess that's not the case?
  5. Thanks for your response, sjalv. I know you said you have nothing to compare it to, but if you take what your hourly rate is right now and multiply it by 2080, that would be your yearly income if you worked 40 hrs/week with no differentials. If you...
  6. Labs during nursing school?

    Random question. In nursing school, are there generally labs for the anatomy/physiology classes, like you had during pre-reqs? Like the standard dissections, etc, etc? Or do you only have clinical labs, like practicing on dummies, etc? Just wonder...
  7. Labs during nursing school?

    Thank God, good to know! I got all A's in the sciences, but man I hated lab SOOO much!
  8. I'm not a nurse yet, hopefully will be attending next fall, but I'm interested to hear (from people in all specialties), what ONE thing gives you that thrill? What can you just not get enough of? Conversely, what one thing causes your stomach to dro...
  9. What thrills you/what terrifies you?

    roser13, I didn't anticipate that kind of reply, but I can definitely see where you're coming from!
  10. Are the pts in the ICU mostly unconscious?

    Thanks BeatsPerMinute & VANurse2010 for your helpful, informative replies. To the others who responded, I want to make it clear that I would have no problem with conscious patients and performing personal care. I know that it is part of the job ...
  11. Drexel ACE Fall 2016

    Hi everyone, I'm applying for the 2 year program for Fall 2016. I'm creating my application now, but I'm not sure whether to select 2015-2016 or 2016-2017... I'm assuming 2016-2017, but who ever knows with these things? What did you guys apply under?...
  12. I need help!

    Most programs here on the East Coast require that you have your sciences taken within the past 3-5 years (at least the ones I will be applying to). You may have to re-take yours. I am re-taking A&P 1&2 this summer, even though I got A's in ...