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About cindyplusone

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  1. Fall 2020 Mountain View Nursing Program Applicants

    I got in aswell (:
  2. Mountain View College Fall 2019

    I’m in too ?
  3. Mountain View College Fall 2019

    I got an interview as well (:!
  4. Mountain View College Fall 2019

    Hey guys giving y'all some hope(: I am reapplying to the program for fall 2019. Got in last time with 19 points 3.0GPA so don't worry! Just apply and believe in yourself.
  5. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    I'm so sorry BUT don't give up!! Keep the faith you'll get in í ½í¸„í ½í¸ƒ
  6. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    I'm in !!!!(:!!!!!
  7. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    Still nothing ugh!
  8. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    Nothing yet :/
  9. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    Lmao me too I hate the waiting !!
  10. Brookhaven College Nursing Fall 2018

    I am in ((:!!!!
  11. Brookhaven College Nursing Fall 2018

    I have my interview Monday at 11:00 (: GOOD LUCK EVERYONEí ½í¸ƒí ¾í´Ÿí ¼í¿¼ Yay!!
  12. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    HOW DID IT GO!!??(:
  13. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    I got the phone call yesterday as well. My interview is Friday the 20th @10 IM SO EXCITED/NERVOUS 🙌🏼 Good luck everyone!!(:
  14. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    Nothing yet í ½í¸©
  15. Mountain View Fall 2018 Hopefuls

    It did ask in the application