

Inpatient Psychiatry

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All Content by HIPAAPotamus

  1. A & P study ideas

    Pretty much what everyone else said, and: I adore the Anatomy Crash Course series on YouTube. It doesn't teach you the details of organ systems, but it definitely fills in some grey spots, as well as being really fun to watch.
  2. December 2015 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    "Is this because I said your Christmas sweater was tachy?"
  3. Should I buy a nice stethoscope?

    My mother bought me a Littman Cardio III for Christmas - she said I could buy several inexpensive ones and then a nice one, or a nice one and watch it like a hawk (I also had it engraved). It's so pretty.
  4. December 2015 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    "Per North Pole policy, all elves must be tested for Performance Enhancing Magic."
  5. Who is so ready for fall semester to be over?!?

    One more week! One more week! ...Then an 18 day Winter intersession class...then Spring....then Summer.... But still, one more week of Fall!
  6. ECT

    Thank you kindly!
  7. ECT

    I'm a student, but deeply interested in psych nursing. I also had between 8-10 rounds of ECT when I was 18. No psychopharmacology was hitting, I was deeply depressed, and my mother and I were looking into long-term residential care. Three days after ...
  8. It's totally doable, as long as you've got a family that understand that you'll be in med-mode for a few years. Fortunately, with your BM you'll have a bunch of pre-reqs taken care of, and you can focus on science credits. I'm in my last pre-req seme...
  9. Enter your TEAS V Scores here!!

    Just got out of my first-time with the TEAS. My brain is fried. Is 11:40 too early for happy hour? Program: ADN Adjusted Individual Total Score: 84.7% ATI Academic Preparedness Level: Advanced Mean - National: 64.3% Mean - Program: 64.9% Percentile R...
  10. When did you know you wanted to be a nurse?

    Music nerds unite!! Maybe you can find a different story for every patient for your scar. Though the original is pretty interesting. Do you still play at all, even for fun? One of the things I find invaluable from my other degrees, and it still serve...
  11. When did you know you wanted to be a nurse?

    I've had a highly successful stage career, have a master's level degree in music, and one day, my mom (a 50 year nursing veteran) walked past me and said, "Oh, I always thought you'd be a phenomenal nurse." The roof opened up, the horns came in, and ...
  12. Bad professor?

    I had a chemistry professor who had terrible reviews on RMP, and lived up to the hype. I doubled my normal efforts, studying outside of the classroom and using Khan Academy to fill in the blanks, and ended up with an A.Right now I've got an equally p...
  13. ER Experience - I'm A Wee Bit Upset

    I used it to my advantage. My mother (a 50 year nursing veteran) recently had a left lobectomy of the liver to remove cancer. It's a huge surgery, and I was by her side every day for a month. One day, as I was checking her sutures, she cried, "This m...