

Inpatient Psychiatry

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All Content by HIPAAPotamus

  1. math tests?

    We have a dosage calculation test at the beginning of every semester. The first one deals with conversions and drip rates, mostly. It's mostly algebra-based. In our program, you must score at least a 90% to continue with school.
  2. What was your hardest prerequisite course?

    Sociology, but I think it was because the class was mind-numbing and the people in the class made me nuts. For sheer hustle, I busted my tail in A&P II, but it was the good kind of hurt.
  3. Recycled topics (vent)

    Trigger warning guys!!!!
  4. Recycled topics (vent)

    The best is when they turn on a dime and start dishing out major attitude as soon as they're met with resistance. Those are fun.
  5. He Said I "Act Like I'm In Med School or Something!"

    Oh, it's cute when boys "neg" you to get you to prove yourself and date them, isn't it? In this case, it's all "Bye Felicia" and "Unsubscribe" in the texts. I seriously doubt that his aunt would hold much influence in your life. If he threatens to s...
  6. Feeling so Bummed

    The fact that this person's negligence makes you want to defer after three weeks is more than concerning. You're deciding to let someone else's behavior impact your future. I highly suggest seeking your school's resources and speaking to someone with...
  7. Hep B vaccine schedule question...I screwed up.

    I'm waiting for my third vaccine, even though I had them done years ago. I was a non-responder, and my program had me sign a form saying I "refused" (just to cover their bases) it, just to have it on record until the third vaccine/titer. Maybe your p...
  8. FALL 2016

    There isn't a "No, you can easily budget your time and make it all work" poll answer. Maybe try setting aside specific hours of the day for specific subjects, sort of like professional scheduling?
  9. A little frustrated/confused about BSN/ADN

    I did hear that most hospitals will require their RNs to hold at least a BSN by 2020 (or to be in process), but as far as it being "obsolete", I think that's just someone trying to put you down. There's zero shame in taking the most cost-effective p...
  10. Psych nurses all have a mental illness

    I'm in school to eventually become a psych nurse, but maybe the reason that the reason you "gotta be crazy" to work in mental health is because some nurses have felt the social stigma of a psychological disorder and, rather than bury it under years o...
  11. Do you overspend on luxury items as a nurse?

    I, for one, am looking forward to my yacht and pool boy.
  12. The military (specifically, Navy and Coast Guard) might be an option. I think for every year they provide financial aid, you have a two-year commitment for service.
  13. How did you get an A in anatomy?

    The good thing about taking an accelerated summer course is that you're constantly in a mindframe of studying. Like others said, read as far ahead as you can before getting confused - that way, when you walk into lecture, you're just cementing what y...
  14. Help! Wife,Mom,&Student

    Same here - mom, wife, student, employee, and more. My family understands that this is my priority for the next several years. Sometimes I feel alone in my studies (when I start rattling on about the juxtaglomerular complex and my husband looks at me...
  15. Lifespan Psych - an observation

    I think a lot of that skill comes from knowing how to speak to people. I don't know if that's something that can be directly taught. Lifespan Psych was more about understanding theories and age-related traits.
  16. Random question of the day: What's your baseline blood pressure?

    BP 110/80 or so, HR 80-85, RR 14-16, SpO2 99-100%
  17. Day 5: 2016 Nurses Week Mashup Contest

    Meducate: Converse to the Droogler, it's the chance to give necessary medical information to a patient and their family.
  18. Day 2: 2016 Nurses Week Fill In The Blank Contest

    When a patient pushes their call button, I hope I don't find... C diff.
  19. Day 7: 2016 Nurses Week Caption Contest

    "Priapism?! I thought I was just happy to see you - four hours ago!"
  20. ABSNs are full-time, incredibly rigorous, year-long programs. They are highly competitive, and you most likely wouldn't be able to work and attend school and clinicals and maintain a decent GPA and be a present parent and girlfriend and stay sane at ...
  21. The waiting is the hardest part!

    Twitching is over - I've been accepted! So many vaccinations and boosters!!
  22. The waiting is the hardest part!

    I am twitching with envy for you all - congratulations! I should know in about four days, seven hours and 27 minutes, give or take...
  23. ADN vs ABSN (cost vs job opportunity)

    I'm in a similar situation, so I weighed out what I need/what I can afford (backstory, I have a bachelor's and a master's; these are also the best possible outcomes): With the ADN, I study for two years while still being able to work, sit for the NCL...
  24. other non traditional students / moms

    CRUSHING A&P II. Low A in lifespan psych. Waiting to hear back regarding acceptance.
  25. Do undergrad credits expire?

    My current program accepted several gen-ed prereqs from 1999, so I'd say you're golden.