

Inpatient Psychiatry

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All Content by HIPAAPotamus

  1. Nursing Prioritization! Help!

    Yeah, I'd see the 55 yo with chest pain s/p cardiac cath.
  2. Baby nurse doo doo doo doo....

    "I don't mean to be rude" = I'm about to be rude. Have you not heard the "Baby Shark" song? It's a joke. And it was a clever one.
  3. Nurse abuse

    I worked on a few standard one-liners that I can get out, even when I'm positively livid. "I understand that you are upset, but it is not OK to speak to me that way." "I'm sorry you're hurting, let's see what we can do to fix it." "I don't know the a...
  4. Are nurses and doctors equal?

    I think each has a value and importance. Saying one is more important than the other, or one is a subordinate, minimizes the idea that all members of the health care team are working towards a common goal: the treatment of the patient.
  5. Reserves for new nurse/prior enlisted

    The Army Nurse Corps Reserves requires one year of experience.
  6. time from graduation to job offer

    I applied for oodles of positions before graduation and was rejected for all but one, who called me in for an interview ten days before pinning. They asked me to call them when I took the NCLEX, which was about five weeks after graduation. Called the...
  7. Rethinking My Choice To Be A Nurse

    Speaking as a newly minted RN who also has bipolar disorder (though in a less acute stage than yours), from one quirky lady to another.. ..This is not the time to go into an epically high-stress major, like nursing. I say "this is not the time", beca...
  8. AN Scholarship

    Darn it, came here to say this! $50 for single word/phrase sentences: "blood pressure range"
  9. I know it's hard. But is it really that hard?

    I have a master's degree in music. I studied my tail off for that degree, and sacrificed a lot of time and energy for it. I just finished an ASN at a local community college, and I'll tell you what: it was much more difficult than completing my music...
  10. Last Clinical Rotation :)

    Same here - final final tomorrow, pinning on Monday, and then about a month's worth of sleep! Congratulations to the Class of 2018!
  11. Does my nursing diagnosis make sense?

    That's a super long nursing dx. Assuming she had a pedal pulse before surgery, I'd go with something like "ineffective tissue perfusion r/t post-operative complication AEB absent pedal pulses on affected side" or something. Also, if this is an actual...
  12. What do you eat for breakfast?

    I too hate breakfast, but have to force myself to eat before clinicals. I'm also using My Fitness Pal to drop some weight, and it yells at me if I don't eat breakfast. I generally pre-boil a bunch of eggs, and have small, handy things I can grab (an ...
  13. associate level diploma

    In my neighborhood, ASN nurses can be hired with a contract stipulating that you'll complete your BSN (or higher) within 3-5 years. Follow up with your local hospitals.
  14. Dealing with anxiety during training and in the field

    I give off a perception of confidence and complete assurance in what I'm doing, but the first time I spiked a bag, my hands were shaking. The first time I gave lovenox, I had sweaty palms. Sometimes "fake it 'til you make it" is the best advice.
  15. Lousy Professor or lousy student?

    And you're getting too much attention for intentionally inflammatory responses. Bye felicia!
  16. Lousy Professor or lousy student?

    Are you just in the mood to play devil's advocate tonight? First the inflammatory "nursing shortage" question, and now this. You mad at something?
  17. I didn't realize how much I loved science until I was fully immersed in my pre-reqs. Turns out, I'm super sciencey. What I did have is an innate desire to care for others, and an ability to communicate directly to patient needs. A lot of nursing is ...
  18. 4.0 in nursing school?

    I too had an unhealthy preoccupation with all As. My first semester I finished with a 4.0, but my second I ended with a 3.73 (A-), which dipped my GPA down to 3.94. And you know what? It made me put life in perspective. I was so focused on getting t...
  19. Create Your Own Meme

  20. abg's

    OK, here's how I figure it (and I apologize for the impending crudeness). You have three main values: pH (7.35-7.45), Bicarb/HCO3 (22-29), and Carbon Dioxide/CO2 (35-45). If it's metabolic, the main consideration is HCO3. If it's respiratory, the mai...
  21. What should I study ahead?

    Disagree with above posted. Study now - begin reviewing formats of nursing school/NCLEX style questions, which are not necessarily content-based but critical thinking-based. It's not enough to know a disease, you have to know the immediate steps to t...
  22. Don't look now, but I think HR is watching us.
  23. My professor told us NPs have no future...

    I'll bet he expects all nurses to be female, wear white hosiery, and genuflect to MDs.
  24. O2 question: 80s on room air?! What to do?!?!

    From my experience, COPD patients are generally given NC as opposed to a face mask, due to a concern about oxygen toxicity. Their bodies have acclimated to higher CO2 and lower O2, so a higher stream of O2 can be dangerous.
  25. Atrial fibrillation

    Did you mean to google that?