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About happy_gal

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  1. Hi Marock There are some simulation labs in the program and lots of hands on practice time through the clinical rotations. Overall there is MUCH more clinical time than lab (simulation) time. On average we do 24h a week of clinical (in hospital/comm...
  2. Hi futurenursling ! So I got my review done at UBC Health Services (which is really fast and not the concern) but when you arrive there you need to arrive with all of your documentation. What took a long time in Ontario was getting proof that I had h...
  3. Hey all! Regarding immunization stuff...yes its a review of all your immunizations with UBC Health Services and you need to show documentation that you are up to date. It took me a while to pull together all my stuff (well...it took my doctor a whi...
  4. Hey guys! Happy to see that some of you I spoke with a few months back were given interview spots...congrats! Personally I never had my references called. Last year admittance to the program was 100% based on your interview. Some people from our coh...
  5. ChubbyHamster Sure i dont mind if anyone wants to email me with questions as long as its understood that I can't disclose what the interview questions were.
  6. mirfrancis1994 Sure! Feel free to email me at [email protected]
  7. To mirfrancis1994 Just be you!! I couldn't even begin to list all the different backgrounds and experiences everyone in my cohort has. Keep your GPA as high as you can (of course) but also volunteer, work and travel as much as possible. Consider vol...
  8. Hi everyone! I applied for the first time last year and started the program this past September. It was definitely one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done, but SO worth it in the end. In terms of the supplemental application my smalle...
  9. UBC BSN September 2015 Applicants

    Hi yes I received both a email acceptance and then a letter in the mail with a generic UBC welcome book. They said we should receive nursing specific information at the end of June. I might call the school if you haven't received your mailed letter...
  10. UBC BSN September 2015 Applicants

    Took me a while to find it too! I just searched UBC Nursing under Groups and then scrolled down for a bit until I found it.