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About floridanurse2b

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  1. Is there away around the nursing school waiting list?

    This is very good information! I appreciate it. That's quite a difference in the passing rate. It looks to me as if going to a traditional four-year college (as a junior or with an accelerated degree)...
  2. Are there ways around the dreaded waiting list?

    Thank you, I will call them tommorow! Do you have any idea how many students apply for how many slots? I do tend to get decent grades these days. (With my original bachelor's degree I didn't, but now...
  3. Does it matter what school you go to?

    Hey, I would be happy to get $3,000 more in pay a year! That's a lot of shoe shopping. I know the LPN degree is a roundabout way to get what I want, but the nursing school situation is very...
  4. Travel Nursing Thoughts

    If they are that sneaky with contracts, I would suggest treating it like any other contract - not only read it yourself, but get a lawyer to read it. The little bit of money up front could save you a...
  5. Should I get an LPN degree as a way to get an RN degree?

    The interesting thing is that most people who say that or think that probably could not tell you what the difference between an LPN and an RN is. Myself included. My mother is an LPN, she told me...
  6. Should I get an LPN degree as a way to get an RN degree?

  7. Should I get an LPN degree as a way to get an RN degree?

    I will! I will grill them mercilessly and pass along all their deep dark secrets. I want to ask them how many people applied for how many slots for this year's class, what the average GPA is of those...
  8. Does it matter what school you go to?

    That makes a lot of sense, actually, thank you for clarifying it. In a perfect world, I would get a bachelor's degree in nursing, as long as I don't have to wait until the 22nd century to get in...
  9. Should I get an LPN degree as a way to get an RN degree?

    So how did you like working as an LPN? And how long did you work as an LPN before going for your
  10. Should I get an LPN degree as a way to get an RN degree?

  11. Does it matter what school you go to?

    What would a school do or not do that would affect the pass rates of their students? And are there programs, like Kaplan or whatever, that help you study for your boards? I think that is so odd that...
  12. Is there away around the nursing school waiting list?

    Will do! I live in Polk County, that isn't too bad a drive at all. Well, okay, I-4 is an evil evil commute, but for that nursing degree, I am willing to endure it. Tampa to Orlando, now THAT's a...
  13. Does it matter what school you go to?

    The problem is, in my neck of the woods anyway, there is a very long waiting list and massive competition to get into the ADN and BSN programs, and there is apparently less difficulty getting into the...
  14. Does it matter what school you go to?

    Another question, as I ponder whether I'll get into any school, LPN or RN, before I turn old and gray - does it matter where I go to school? Would my pay scale be higher if I graduated from a...
  15. Is there away around the nursing school waiting list?

    Unfortunately I can't move out of Central Florida - I have two elementary-school aged children and we only moved here about a year and a half ago, I would rather wait longer to get into school then...