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About nursediva01

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  1. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Ok thank you. I haven't recieved my letter in mail yet and didnt know if they went into detail of what to expect for orientation on the letter that was mailed out. So thanks again for giving me an idea of what to expect.
  2. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Does anyone know exactly what will happen in orientation??
  3. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Thank you guys!! I still cant believe it I started to lose hope last two days. Erickeis stick in there. When they call someone off waiting list they give them 24 hours to accept before moving on to the next person on the list. There may also be seat...
  4. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Congrats Sub811!!! I also was pulled off the waiting list and offered a seat this morning for essex day program. Im so excited to get started and i finally feel like i can relax and breathe after waiting for so long to be accepted.
  5. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Does anyone happen to know when applicants on the waitlist are usually contacted if seats become available ???
  6. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Does anyone happen to know when applicants on the waitlist are usually contacted if seats become available ???
  7. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    I am on the waitlist for essex and still have not received a phone call or letter.
  8. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    I was waitlisted...if you or anyone you know plans on turning down a seat could you pls notify SHP as soon as possible. Thank you. Waiting these last couple months to hear back was excruciating for all of us!! Unfortunately the wait is not over for ...
  9. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    I hope seating fees post tom. Im sooo nervous. Good luck everyone!!
  10. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Ellinor, you should try sending an email to Lois Simmons or Ebony Thomas. Both ladies work in the SHP department and are very quick to reply back to any concerns or questions you may have.
  11. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    I agree this whole process has been nothing but a stressful mess. I have had several issues with CAS. Luckily, Mrs. Simmons is very knowledgeable and doesnt mind clearing up any concerns applicant's may have. I hope they are able to knock out all of...
  12. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    My status on SIMON changed from Ready for review to Decison made a couple weeks ago so im not sure why they would say they are not updating SIMON if mine has been updated
  13. 2015 Harford Comm College WEA program

    Does anyone know if all letters were mailed out or only for those who applied to accelerated program? Im pretty sure i got into the program but i haven't seen a change on my transcript. I applied for the traditional program
  14. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    I was also told i had to apply through SIMON and CAS.
  15. CCBC Nursing Fall 2015

    Hello everyone. I applied to essex day program for fall and my status just changed to decision made. I was wondering if any one else's status changed as well.