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About slsnurse2016

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  1. UTHSCSA Spring 2016

    I am currently a UTHSCSA student. I love it. I am a mom, and I will say it is very time consuming, however it is a wonderful school. Our professors are really great, there is a real unity among the student body. I have learned so much, and I feel ...
  2. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Hey guys just FYI, we got our acceptance letters late in the day on the acceptance day, like at 5:30 or so in the evening.
  3. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Hey guys me and Shaynurse were in the surgery OR this morning talking about how excited we are for you all! :)
  4. A&P in a 5 week accelerated course?

    I am the same age. If you take that course, understand that a&p is the backbone to everything as a nurse. If you don't know that like you know how to breath, you will be lost in nursing school and the hospital.
  5. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Guys they usually accept in alphabetical order, so when some of you get an email and others haven't got theirs yet don't freak out :)
  6. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Hey everyone, I am in the class ahead of you at UTHSCSA. I'm here if you have questions! I study a lot, so please don't think I am ignoring your question if it takes me a little while to get back to you. I wish you all the best of luck.