Jerome Stone RN

Jerome Stone RN

Research, ICU, hospice, pain management


About Jerome Stone RN

Jerome Stone RN has 33 years experience and specializes in Research, ICU, hospice, pain management.

Latest Activity

  1. Brian Short News

    Oh my God, I'm so, so, so very sorry to hear about this. There's really nothing that I can say. I'm in shock. Things like this never seem to make sense. And knowing Brian, I can't understand it. My heart, mind and prayers are with Brian's family and ...
  2. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    Hi eroc - Thanks for getting engaged in this discussion. You wrote that, My experience is that the emotion may not be self-inflicted, i.e., that an emotional response may be the involuntary physiological response to a stressor/trigger. What can ...
  3. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    Hello she57 - Ugh! The scene/situation that you've described is so prevalent in nursing isn't it? Very frustrating, sometimes even maddening. So, what do you do in these kind of situations? In terms of jeopardizing your license; what have you done ...
  4. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    Hey there bbyRN - Eloquent! "a person has to make a dignified peace, whatever that looks like to them, or suffer blindly and perpetrate that suffering on others. Blindness is ugly" I couldn't have said it better myself...glad that you did!! You c...
  5. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    Hello NICUGUY (great name!) Thanks for the comment. Also, thanks for the quote by Charles Swindoll: "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." - Charles Swindoll I hadn't read that one before; seems spot on in terms of what is...
  6. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    Hey BTDT (short for Been There Done That - hope that's okay?) - I'd like to engage in some friendly and collegial dialogue here. Whatever I have to share is open for discussion, critique, or modification. And I do hope that you'll reply with your tho...
  7. Is Nursing All About Stress?

    PART ONE: IS NURSING ALL ABOUT STRESS? As nurses, we know the meaning of stress. In fact, we may know its meaning more intimately than most of our peers who work in other professions. This is partially because we've seen the devastating effects t...