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All Content by Tash86

  1. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    See you all there! Have you guys received your med-surg and maternal texts? They're huge!!! For sure getting a rolling backpack now:nailbiting:
  2. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    All I have left to do is get my second MMR but S.P said you will still get priority if you are waiting on the last of a series. University of Phoenix sounded great but I went home and really thought about it and it sounds just to much of an overload....
  3. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I think those are the same as I have for work! Do the look like chucks? I put new compfy inserts in them and they are pretty good, especially for the price.
  4. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Between getting all my immuniations, physical, book researching, etc... I'm so tired! Has anyone taken nvn55? I'm glad I took it because it prepared me how the nursing instructors run their courses. Luckily I learned early on is to always stay ahead ...
  5. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @msyoung thanks for the info and the code! @motomama I heard some bad reviews too. My first pick is closest to home, but honestly I'm just greatful and honored to be apart of the program that I'll be happy with whatever I get.
  6. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I'm debating on a crate too! They also have the rolling back packs with straps. Im going to get hard copies of the texts only because I highlight and flip through pages so much. What clinicals are you all looking at? Im want cohort B and hopefully c...
  7. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Soooo much info! Has anyone found Info at a thread on clinical sites/clinical instructor reviews? I always check ratemyprofessors.com and it has been helpful but a few clinical teachers are not on there.
  8. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @reinar You gotta have faith and stay positive! I was told they will be pulling from the alternate list up until the first week of school. It all depends on the current students going into the program. A student can deny their spot for many reasons, ...
  9. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    That's a great idea! When a friend of mine was in nursing school she kept all her books and papers in a big tote in the trunk of her car. She wore a regular backpack and only brought what she needed for that class,but always had her backup in the tot...
  10. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Thanks for the info! Have you guys started looking at backpacks? I never thought I would use a rolling backpack but after seeing the textbook list I'm for sure getting one! Zuca makes a cool one, but over $140!
  11. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @MsYoung, def check on older editions. Most I've my classes I've always bought older editions but who knows with Nursing school.. It's a whole new world! @lunalove, I read about the coupons for the bundle books through the threads too. They saved a f...
  12. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Amazon has the patient safety book for $13 including shipping. That beats the bookstores $35! I'm gonna wait on the high price bundle books until after intake day.
  13. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    This list is from spring.. Double check if editions/ books are still the same. So far I've bought the pharmacology book and contemporary nursing book and editions are same from the list for this semester.
  14. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    http://www.rcc.edu/departments/schoolofnursing/Documents/Spring%202015%20Booklist.pdf anyone gonna get a jump start on reading over summer and finding the best prices? So far Amazon looks like it has the best prices on used books.
  15. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I'm nervous about that too! I accepted the RN and in the same email I denied the LVN spot. I haven't got confirmation yet. I need to find out about the complio because I uploaded everything through VN title.
  16. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Yeah it's up. I don't think they have posted the exact clinical locations though.
  17. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    It does say you can get B instead though. Not sure how that test works.
  18. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Thanks! So glad I got a jump start. I just gotta call and make sure it's ok that I did everything under VN in complio or if I have to change and upload it all to RN. Are you guys leaning towards cohort A or B? I like that cohort B has an extra day of...
  19. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I GOT OFFERED A SPOT IN RN!!! Thank you everyone for the positive vibes :)
  20. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Thanks everyone! I
  21. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Hey everyone! I got in to LVN í ½í¸€ Still have hope for RN being a standby. Does anyone know if you are waiting for your last vaccine of a series (MMR or HepB), if you can get priority? Or does it have to be totally complete? Thanks!
  22. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @sammyjoe.. For HepB..The second one is 30 days after the first, the third is 5 months later. So you have time if your titers come back negative :)
  23. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @mrspz.. I have to wait 30 days to do my titer for hepb because I found my shot records after already getting my first hep b dose, what a mess! Also, they told me you must get TB test injection before MMR vaccine (I'm not sure exactly why, prob inter...
  24. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @Ms.Young, thank you! I go back in a month for my second hep b shot So I will hopefully be set if I do end up getting a spot right before school starts and don't have to panic last minute!
  25. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @mrspz thank you!