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All Content by Tash86

  1. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Has anyone had to exchange their uniforms? If so, does it take long and what's the cost? I ordered a small and it fits good until I lift my arms or reach for something. If anyone has a medium, but needs a small, let me know :]
  2. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Is anyone else confused about the first two weeks??? I don't know if I'm reading the schedule right or if my mind is twisted from all the info! Example: -thurs 9/3 cohort b only has lecture from 8-11:10 and off the rest of the day. -9/8 and 9/9 cli...
  3. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    VantHul went over ways to study and tips. She said she has extra sheets that she printed out from boot camp and will be in her office the first week of school. You will get a chance during class to register for neighborhood and Eportfolio (we can not...
  4. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Hope to get a chance to meet some of you tomorrow! Anyone else getting nervous with school quickly approaching?? I know I am!
  5. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Does anyone know if we need to have statistics for the the AS degree in nursing? Or does math 35 fill the requirement? I applied for my math/science degree last time around and was denied because I was missing statistics (on my education plan it stat...
  6. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I'm looking forward to Mondays off as well and don't want to be overwhelmed because I still have to work part time. I'm hoping they will offer the course during winter break or summer right before N21.
  7. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Sorry spelling
  8. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    @futurePedalsNurse thank you so much for taking the time to give all your advice and kind words. Very much appreciated :]
  9. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Hey guys! If you still need textbooks or coursepoints, today is a good day to order them. I just used this promo and got $30 off each coursepoint :]
  10. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    That's a cool little set up! Looks like you're ready to go! I thought I was gonna get away with one crate for everything, I was wrong! And to late... I already counted all we had to read too... Oh my!!! I've been reading almost everyday at work durin...
  11. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I paid a total of $640 for all my textbooks without coursepoints. The fundamentals of nursing through the book store was $220ish without coursepoint (that's what they told me when I called). So I bought that book through Amazon for $130. Im going to ...
  12. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Excited to meet you all and start clinicals :)
  13. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Glad you all got the site you wanted 😃 I'll be cohort B RCRMC.
  14. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Lol! It's a bit of a drive, but I'm just grateful to get into the program! 😃
  15. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Lucky! I'll be waking up at 5 am to get there on time 😳
  16. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    My first choice is cohort B and RCRMC and second being Corona. It's closer to my house and an extra day off would be nice since I work weekends. Does everyone live pretty close to Riverside? I'm all the way out by Menifee.
  17. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    I got cleared this morning. I'm guessing we register at anytime the 22nd. Doesn't say a specific time on webadvisor😃
  18. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    You only need on e bag. They are both the same. The bookstore only had a limited supply. The uniform site will be selling them for now on from what I understand. I called today to see if my uniforms have shipped yet, but since the bags are on back or...
  19. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    A friend of mine called and the skills bags are on back order. If you ordered uniforms and bag together then they will send them all out together ( just what I heard).
  20. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Go to riverside admissions and ask for the form. If you have financial aid, you're going to have to go to riverside financial aid office to change that too (financial aid deadline is today).
  21. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Yep, the 20th for priority. I emailed yesterday but she only works Monday's so hopefully I'll get cleared Monday morning. Make sure your home campus is Riverside (which won't switch until the 17th if you have to change it).
  22. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Congrats to you!! Did you start on your immuniations while on the alternate list? If you plan on saving money I recommend comparing all the textbooks online. I got the best deals on amazon and half.com. Also, the skills bags are on back order through...
  23. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    That's awesome! I wish I would've seen that before I bought mine.
  24. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Whoa! Sorry for the big picture, it won't let me edit and resize!
  25. Riverside Community College Fall 2015 RN

    Lol:D hey, better to look or feel awkward than to have an aching back! I started putting mine in a crate, it only has room for about one more book hahahaGuess I should've went for the gigantic tote!