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About SWagow1

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  1. Designated "muscle" on clinicals

    It was the same for my school. There were roughly 5 guys in my class, so a guy was in each group. Your classmates should know that with the help of your other classmates, anyone can be moved. It...
  2. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    How do you prefer to prep for the NCLEX-RN®? I just used the question bank and didn't buy or read anything else. So I didn't use the Kaplan NCLEX review book. This worked for me, but you...
  3. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    I used the Kaplan question bank. I didn't read or use any of the lectures Kaplan provided
  4. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    A SATA question doesn't necessarily mean it was a hard question. There can be a SATA in a easy format as well. My last question was a SATA but it was a leadership question. Right now, I think you...
  5. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    Delia, people supposedly have gotten the bad pop up and passed and vice versa. However, I think the odd of that happening to someone is so little since there are thousands of posts showing that the...
  6. Nclex 2nd attempt

    Hey catmom. I failed my first time using ATI tutor. I passed the second time with Kaplan question bank. I'm not exactly sure if it helped, but it was better than nothing. I did go from an hour a day...
  7. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    Good luck! Believe in
  8. BSN degree with no RN license

    I took my NCLEX in Wisconsin and I live in IL. It doesn't matter where you take
  9. advice? so depressed.

    Short and simple, this isn't going to last forever. Whats a few years of your life versus a whole life of an amazing career and financial security? That alone helped me get through nursing school. I...
  10. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    TroyM, I feel like I had the same stuff my first exam! I really feel like passing the NCLEX involves a good chunk of luck. I was surprised by even seeing community type questions. I've heard good...
  11. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    No problem and thank you, MWelch18! I really don't feel like I can give Kaplan all the credit for me passing the NCLEX. I think it was just nice to have a similar format while waiting to retest. I...
  12. Passing NCLEX-RN 2nd time 2015

    Thank you!! Looks like we did the same thing our first try. Definitely take the break this time around! Take as long as you need and eat some sugary foods to give your brain some energy. :) I actually...
  13. It worked for me, but it was more like 36 hours after the
  14. Hey everyone! I made an account just to write my story on how I passed my NCLEX-RN! I've always just gone to this website to view stuff without adding any content or comments. Now it's my turn to...