

Emergency Room

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All Content by EmergencyRN22

  1. What is your average amount of shift cancellations

    Never. They always call on my days off to pick up more hours. I'm already full time.
  2. My big mouth

    Find an appropriate outlet (that's not at work) - we all need somewhere to blow off steam and frustration. It's how nurses "try" to remain sane haha. Never say anything to a coworker that you wouldn't say to your bosses face AND keep your job.
  3. Nursing student - need advice

    So precepting on a unit that is not your first choice gives you THAT much stress and anxiety?! Why so anxious and nervous around your preceptor? Sometimes you don't always get your desired specialty as a new grad and may have to get some general med...
  4. I just grab it the best I can and go for it. Usually use lido jelly in those types to ease their pain. I've seen men have to be sedated for foley placement. Maybe use a coude catheter? perhaps urology consult?
  5. Anyone dating a med-student?

    I'm married to a fireman. Wouldn't change it for the world. We understand each other for the most part. Plus he's super sexy and is a great cook. Everyone else dont don't understand the stresses that come with nursing. There are certain personality ...
  6. Would You Stop to Provide Medical Care?

    I would only if I witnessed the accident and/or no ems or police were on scene. I'd only see if there were anything I could immediately do to help the victims. Then call 911 for them and stay with them if they need emotional support. I carry my nurs...
  7. Medication safety what if...

    I do very, very rarely and never anything that needs a witness waste. However, I do carry flushes in my coat pocket. If my hands are full, I may place Tylenol in my pocket IN the original package. I NEVER carry meds for more than one patient anywhe...
  8. What are your pet peeves?

    Having an actively dying comfort care pt without family or visitors at bedside. Called both kids on emergency contact sheet - both local but sadly indifferent. Asked them if they would like me to call clergy for the pt ...yeah, still nothing. I ended...
  9. Heavily considering change to Day shift

    Do what's best for YOU. If you feel better and work better during days, perhaps it's time for a change. There are pros and cons to each shift. There's no perfect answer.
  10. classes, certifications, etc... please help.

    Other than Bls - most hospitals will pay for other certifications they require for their dept. ER, I'm sure you're aware of, is crazy at times. Good assessment skills, time management and being able appropriately delegate tasks to support staff is i...
  11. Emergency room RN minimums in Texas

    I agree. Also, as you noted insulin, then there's heparin, lovenox, and blood products. Then you also need a fellow RN to waste/return meds and narcotic count. The the lowest I've seen in our 23 bed ER would be two staff RNs and a charge. Unfortunat...
  12. Problems with ER

    Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was understanding and supportive of nurses on differentr floors? No snide remarks, no disgruntled eye rolls, and no passive aggressive... Sounds amazing to me ...or I'm loopy because I haven't ate a meal today. Cheer...
  13. Problems with ER

    Many times the ER docs batch admissions -many times th e same admitting doc as well. It's unfortunate it's goes in batches but sometimes its how the request for admission goes. Many of those times we receive bed assignments in groups too. That's also...
  14. Problems with ER

    Honestly, many times we don't even get a chance to address hypertensive pt and the blood isn't ready for those low h&h you're talking about. Most ER docs won't address chronic hypertensive pts unless they are a dissection or a bleed. They allow t...
  15. How long before being charge nurse?

    The most experienced RN available (who makes wise decisions) should be charge.
  16. The HARD Truth for most nurses

    I don't mind cleaning butt. :) ive had lil old ladies get brought in by ems who fell, spent two days on the floor covered in urine/stool. Usually the excrement is pack on head to toe. The same lil old lady is crying and uber greatful of everyone help...
  17. Problems with ER

    Sorry for mistakes, I'm posting from my phone. At my hospital, we give bedside report the magority of the time. The rare occasion we don't, report is given by phone/vocera to receiving RN or their charge RN. The floor RNs come to the ER to retrieve ...
  18. No Scrubs Allowed.. opinions??

    I personally enjoy the color distinction of our scrubs, even though working in a bloody, unpredictable ER I always wish they would allow us to wear anything but all white. Same about the badges, I like to quickly identify who's who. Sometime people ...
  19. You are totally right on about this. I live in a state with two very large and well known hospitals and I swear they have banner wars. Hospital A post 10 flags, next day hospital B hangs 15 even BIGGER flags. Its A complete joke and inside joke.
  20. Performance recognition in your facility...

    I don't feel our managers do a good job at recognizing performance. Anytime we have work meetings or anything else - it all stems from something negative. How I would if I was manager... i would approach each employee at least couple times a week an...
  21. If people make me feel bad, I've been bullied

    Bullying is like the pain scale. It's whatever the patient (or nurse) states it is. Perhaps those nurses who are claiming "bullying" for "small" things does actually feel bullied. They might not much of a basis for feeling that way but we shouldn't d...
  22. Problems with ER

    It's not safe. Is your point person or charge able take report and relay the info for you?
  23. MetroHealth Cleveland ER

    Most ERs won't hire new grads. It's a big learning curve even for floor nurses who come to ER. Honestly, most new grads end up quitting because of the heavy of load, acuity of patients, and limited knowledge base.
  24. Help.. Hiram or kent dilemma ?

    I graduated from Kent with my BSN. It's a great school but very tough. They do a very good job weeding out those weaker students, hence the high passing rate. However, I know for a fact it isn't 100% on the first attempt. I graduated with two class m...
  25. Kent State University FNP program

    I've been accepted into the acute care np program. I like that I can go part time (3yr) and still work full time. Not it sure about mental health, but acute care required at least 2 years Icu or ER experience to be considered for admission. Honestl...