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About jazzminh

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  1. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Program Spring 2017

    You can break it up. They all just needed to be completed within a week or so.
  2. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Program Spring 2017

    For the most recent cohort, they didn't do a video interview. You applied, then got notified if you needed to take the prophecy tests (I suggest studying pharm and med/surg topics, like warfarin/hep antidotes, hypotonic v hypertonic, etc... basically...
  3. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Program Spring 2017

    Yes... applied and was emailed on Sept 22 for an interview next week.
  4. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    I tried to enroll in it, it says we can enroll starting March 1st... but enrollment is guaranteed for that class if you need it. Starts June 22, MW 930am. If you make your ucla id and whatnot you can check. PS, seriously, can everyone find the faceb...
  5. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    I really don't know why I can't find it. I can see the last few years' cohorts... If you could add me, that would be amazing! My fb username is its.friday.im.in.love Thank you so much!
  6. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    Congrats to you too! And yes! Looks like it's only being offered during the first session starting in late June.
  7. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    Hi!!! I also got accepted yesterday morning! I'm so excited. It's been a long road with lots of let downs, so my heart goes out to those still waiting to hear. Best of luck to you. I tried looking for the facebook group, but can't find it any chance...