
sharann BSN, RN

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All Content by sharann

  1. PACU slogan

    Welcome to your room (since the hospital is full and you are stuck here for god knows how long)
  2. What's in your crash cart?

    If Versed was in our crash cart it wouldn't last one day there without a breakin. The crash cart is only "locked" for show with a plastic "lock". When the lock is missing the pharmacy knows we have opened the cart. I believe Etomidate is kept in the ...
  3. Having an upper GI done on Friday

    Do you mean a small bowel follow through? That is another GI test where you drink some contrast and they time how long it takes for it to go "through" via x-rays. The upper GI doesn't hurt because you get the nice sedation. I have had many of these, ...
  4. Put On Call yesterday then found out.....

    That is insulting. Is that all you are worth to them? Do you have to be on call. Can you refuse to do it if they call you off?
  5. Physician Abbreviation - Can't Read This One

    Lucky no one read that as DNR!
  6. What would u do?

    So did she have the baby? You know the answer to your own question Bridget. Of course you were right. You gave sufficient time in calling off 11 hours before your shift. Your boss was wrong and had no buisiness calling you other than to say congratul...
  7. Nurse's what's your New Year's resolutions?

    Great resolutions Pumkin84 I resolve to improve my tolerance level for people in general. People irk me lately. I guess I am getting cranky in my late 30's. Happy New year!
  8. Has ACLS been 'dumbed down'?

    I have seen ICU and ER nurses who use ACLS skills daily have difficulty with certain parts of the course. It depends on what you do daily, what you were taught, and how the instructor teaches. I see no valid reason for ACLS to cause anyone to pale. T...
  9. I feel isolated and left out

    I think that you should get out but make sure you request an exit inerview with human resources and explain how you have been shut out and prevented from doing your job due to language abuse(yes I made that up). I think that it is sad that in the U.S...
  10. Is this a bad time of year to

    Why not? We just had 2 nurses quit 2 weeks ago. If staff is needed they will call, and fast. Happy new year, and good luck with finding that dream job(call me when you do ok?)
  11. Ortho Floor only takes care of ortho problems?

    I forgot to say good catch to you as well. Sorry. I have been in your position before and understand how frustrating and ridiculous it seems to D/C a patient who is obviously not ready or is in distress. i have stood my ground as well and it can pay...
  12. Ortho Floor only takes care of ortho problems?

    I think it is unfair to judge a specialty by one event or individual. This could have happened on any floor by the way. If I judged by specialty(based on experiences in my hospital) I could surmise that Maternity nurses are lazy and Cardiac floor nur...
  13. You(nor I ) should be running down to the Cafeteria all night. Of course we are not the patient or families servant. I am in no way in favor of abusing nurses. I am also not a masseuse and I could do more harm than good doing more than soe basic comf...
  14. I am NOT in management or even close to it(not my cup of coffee), but I agree with you Tweet. We have always answered the phone Good Morning this is ____ Unit____speaking. For years! Never been forced to do it. Cannot tell you how many nurses, secret...
  15. Orthopods who think they are neurosurgeons are the worst. Honestly, I have seen some pretty arrogant nurses as well as docs, but orthopedic surgeons take the primma donna prize for this PACU nurse. About the surgeons having a more stressful job. Tha...
  16. The Unwritten Rules of Nursing

    Very good ones! Lets see. 1. Anytime the patient says "I feel something wet underneath me", PLEASE wear gloves. You know it isn't going to be tap water under there!!! 2. Never use the words "quiet", "slow" or "dull" when referring to anything at all...
  17. charting sleep question

    Maybe those instructors were taught that "sleeping patient" was a medical diagnosis? We wouldn't wan;t to be doing any of THAT would we. How about this. I was told to chart on a dressing, "dressing stained with bright red fluid". Don't call it blodd ...
  18. Open Hearts?!?!

    Our hospital is also a non-trauma community with about 400 beds. All open chest surgeries (open hearts and valve replacements) go to the ICU directly and they have a ICU "open heart" nurse to recover and 1:1 them. Actually they are 2:1 for a while th...
  19. Post op patients who take narcs at home

    A problem we are encountering more and more is the post op patient(in the PACU and beyond) who is on vicodin or Norco or something similar for months or even years who then has surgery. WHOA! They are soooo difficult to manage pain wise. Is there a p...
  20. Pointers from seasoned PACU nurses, please!

    Sure. It would help if this seasoned PACU nurse could spell! Reversal agents for benzodiadepines(Valium, Versed) is Romazicon. Reversing Opioids(morphine etc..) is Narcan. You shouldn't worry about it, it takes a while to learn these things. The main...
  21. Pointers from seasoned PACU nurses, please!

    How exciting for you! Let's see. You should know the opioids and the antidoes. Morphine, Fentanyl, Demerol,Dilaudid and their doses. Narcan and Romazicon for reversal. Zofran, Droperidol for nausea. Know where the ambu bag and crash cart are located....
  22. Shabbos/Religious Observances

    I have enjoyed this thread very much so thank you TM for starting it and thanks to eveyone for keeping it alive for so long without TOS violations ha ha. So I am quite Jewish and have been a RN for 7 years. I am not frum but have many, many(did I say...
  23. Advice for new charge nurse??(Long post!)

    I am not in OR but in recovery room. However, I think that you have been placed in a tough position and it sounds like you have a firm grasp of what needs to be done, you just need a little help which is totally fine! I suggest that you do utilize yo...
  24. nikola had great advice I forgot to mention that it will still take about a year to feel like you are not a complete fraud in the specialty. Its like any new specialty I work with kids and babies all the time but I would freak in PEDS or PICU(or Land...
  25. Not all of us have had vast ICU experience. I came in to PACU with year of Step down cardiac adult floor experience. I learned from the bottom up and had 3 months orentation(on the job). I was very motivated to learn and had great nurses who helped a...