

Emergency Medicine

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About amberw725

amberw725 specializes in Emergency Medicine.

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  1. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Never mind, I found it :)
  2. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    I can't find it :-/ Will you post the link?
  3. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    So happy guys! I can't wait to meet you all, since we're pretty much going to be family! :) I'm definitely interested in a facebook group, too!
  4. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    OK, I'm getting nervous now...
  6. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Not sure :-/ if they were personalized again, maybe they are going alphabetically!
  7. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    OMG y'all! congrats!!!!!!!!! I haven't gotten mine yet...... makes me nervous
  8. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Those who have taken pathophysiology, is it a class that is doable in the summer, or even maymester? Also, any prof. you recommend?
  9. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    I'm definitely nervous. I am hoping they will be nice enough to email today. What's one day early??? Stacy, I feel the same, I didn't have as many points as some others, so I'm hoping my interview went well to get me in!
  10. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    It really is! I had too much fun grossing my boyfriend out with the really cool pics, LOL!
  11. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Okay, you have introduced me to the ultimate time suck. I stayed up way past my bedtime on this app, lol
  12. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Got it, thanks!! :)
  13. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Thanks EE! What is your name, by the way? Good luck with your classes this week, too! Another question - when I reply, it doesn't show the person's comment that I am replying to like y'all's do. How do you do it the right way?? Still a newbie I guess...
  14. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    Oops, sorry Lynde! I can remember that. So fun to know another person on here :) I agree, not a good week for a test. This email we are expecting is consuming me, so it has been difficult to study!
  15. Brookhaven Nursing Fall 2015

    I have a micro test, too! Are you Lindy???