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All Content by KelKel0607

  1. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    You are right about that Catherine! Today marks exactly 3 Months since my status change to "application under review." I pretty much stalk my mailbox. lol
  2. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Scroll all the way down on the page. It's at the bottom of the page on the left.
  3. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    My application has been "in review" for almost 3 months now. Anyone in the same boat?
  4. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Congrats to everyone who was accepted! I'm still waiting for my status to change....maybe it will happen next week!
  5. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

  6. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Aweosme!! Congrats!
  7. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    I am so nervous because my application went under review earlier than some of you and I haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone know if you status changes if you get wait listed?
  8. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Congrats on your acceptance!
  9. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    So it looks like they are a little behind in updating accounts. GL! When did your application initially go into review? Mine went on 12/10 and my account hasn't changed yet. Still waiting. í ½í¸
  10. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Thanks!...Yeah, I have read so many different things about what they change on your soniweb if you get accepted. Best option is to just wait for the letter. Keep us posted!
  11. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    That is good that you applied to other schools just in case. 3.6 is really good though so I am sure you well get into one of them with that gpa. Plus you have experience at Yale which is awesome! BHSN is my first choice too. Hopefully we both get in!
  12. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    The waiting is driving me bananas! I check the website like a million times a day lol... Was BHSN your first choice?
  13. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    That's exciting! GL! I just checked and mine hasn't change yet. Did your status update today?
  14. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    My application went under review on 12/10 also. I am checking the website for updates often, but nothing has changed yet. I hope to get some good news this week also! GL!
  15. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Good luck murse203! From what I read it's a good sign if you see additional criteria in your soniweb like cpr. :) When did your application initially go under review?
  16. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Oh wow, I have to wait until March! Lol Well I wish you the best of luck! Keep me posted if you hear anything!
  17. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Haha thanks for the advice! I can see how it can take awhile if they only meet a couple times a month. When did you apply?
  18. Bridgeport hospital school of nursing fall 2015

    Hi Everyone! I have been reading a ton of threads reagarding Bridgeport's nursing program and the application process. I finally decided to registers and join the convo. The waiting is DRIVING ME CRAZY. My application went under review on 12/10/15 an...