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All Content by Destiny13

  1. Don't worry I heard that they are still reviewing application all the way until July! I have a couple of friends that applied months ago and they still haven't heard anything and they have 4.0 GPA's. NOVA is just taking their time with giving out int...
  2. Have you heard anything from them yet? and which campus did you apply to?
  3. Congrats! So happy for you!!
  4. I send you a message! (:
  5. Yes and me too! What's your name if you don't mind me asking, like that we see if we are in the same group
  6. Belky you have your appt March 5 at the Miami campus right?
  7. One last question I promise! lol. What did you wear to your interview?
  8. I hope that all of us that have the interview March 5 on the Miami campus we end up on the same group, like that we at least know someone lol.
  9. Hey girl! Congrats on everything! How much did you study for the Kaplan?
  10. Good luck!!!!! Let us know how it goes
  11. March 5 is getting closer and closer, I am so nervous, unfortunately I haven't even been able to study for the Kaplan test.
  12. Yeah I found it a bit weird when I noticed.
  13. I have mine on March.5 at the Miami campus too!! and no I haven't studied for the test.
  14. Haha me too! I have mine March.5 on the Miami campus But I have some friends that got in last semester and they just told me not to stress it, specially the interview part that it's really quick and easy-going. The Kaplan on the other hand has me a b...
  15. Hey congrats! which campus?
  16. Hey btw, when you schedule your interview did they remove your NSU ID number?
  17. I got the invite invite last weekend and I scheduled it for March 5. Since yours is before mine, I'm hoping you will give me some insight so I can cure my nerves a bit lol.
  18. I'm trying to study from the Kaplan book, but I'm currently taking A&P2 with the lab and micro with the lab, so I haven't really hard time to study :/ I applied to the Miami campus and my interview is set for March 5. I'm kinda nervous!
  19. Hey I also got the call last week! what are you using to study for the kaplan test?
  20. I got a call by them saying that ending of February and March they are going to start reviewing applications. So by April and May, interviews are going to start. Have any of you received a similar call or have any more information?
  21. Hey cmocta! I am in the same boat as you, quick question what is the GPA that you applied with?